Susan Metcalfe Profile picture
animals, humans, write things sometimes past words Guardian, Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, ABC etc for any tips, footage
Jan 6 63 tweets 18 min read
this and worse is happening regularly to horses forced to race during Australia's hot summers. It is incredibly cruel and it has to stop

Oct 22, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
they've started posting submissions received to the "Impact of the phase-out of Australian live sheep exports by sea on NSW" inquiry. Have just skimmed through submissions posted so far & OVERWHELMING number are from people supporting the ban on this cruel trade

#banliveexport Image…
Feb 20, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
cow has learned how to open an electric fence god I hate electric fences
Feb 19, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
"David" (not real name) "worked as a senior Coalition staffer for more than 5 years. He agreed to be quoted only on condition of anonymity because he has nothing v good to say about the parliamentary culture & its treatment of staffers, especially female"… “People are treated appallingly and there is literally nowhere to go, there is no HR department. There is no realistic place to complain.”
Jan 18, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Groups of regional Victorians are calling on the state govt not to allow the duck shooting season to proceed this year, amid continued concerns about vulnerable ecosystems and the impact on communities
#banduckshooting Regional Victorians Opposed to Duck Shooting (RVOTDS) noted "dire environmental factors, significant long-term decline of all water bird indices, lack of critical data concerning protected species & lack of social/economic impact studies to the wider community"
Jan 17, 2021 30 tweets 6 min read
important series exploring the stories of the Indigenous children trapped in Australia's jails, and how juvenile justice operates, as told by those who live and work in the system… "On an average night in 2019, there were 949 children behind bars in Australia – more than half of them were Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. Of all 10-year-olds incarcerated, 80% were Aboriginal children"…
Jan 16, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
As one of its last acts the Trump administration has set in motion the transfer of sacred Native American lands to a pair of Anglo-Australian mining conglomerates… "Unbeknown to tribes and environmental groups who had long opposed mining Oak Flat, the land transfer was passed by Congress and signed by President Obama in December 2014 as a last-minute rider to a Department of Defense spending bill"
Jan 16, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
the more dangerous storms seem to have passed here but clouds still interesting ImageImage Image
Apr 11, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
swimming echidna
Mar 2, 2020 15 tweets 4 min read
this cannot happen

Slaughter will kill mothers and their babies': Permit issued to cull 200 wombats… "We are in tears about this as you can imagine,” a Wombat Awareness Organisation spokesperson wrote on Facebook.

“This shouldn't be legal, but it is. We have to do something about this"

“It is baby season so this slaughter will kill mothers and their babies.”
Jan 8, 2020 26 tweets 8 min read
we all know WIRES in NSW is great and celebs around the world are asking people to donate to them. Please reply to this tweet with other animal/wildlife orgs around the country needing donations - there are many Wildlife Victoria
Donate here:
Sep 8, 2019 9 tweets 8 min read
Priya and Nades: The Facts - from @hometobilo
#hometobiloela @HometoBilo 1. Priya and Nades came to Australia legally

"Under Australian and international law, it is legal to come to Australia seeking protection from threats to life or freedom. It is legal to seek protection whether you come by air or by sea"

Mar 1, 2019 17 tweets 6 min read
'You no longer rule our world': The message from Pell accuser's sister ("swimmer's trial") to powerful Cardinal supporters…
#pell Karen Monument: "The impact of child sexual abuse inflicted by members of the Catholic Church began reverberating in my family home almost 40 years ago and culminated in the loss of a brother to suicide just over 10 years ago"