terra loire Profile picture
not your hero, woman adjacent human with back pain and depression / all opinions expressed are that of my cats and not my employer
May 15, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
A couple of weeks ago I shared an ambulance bill discrepancy in communication as an example of health inequity; I just found the other bill for a direct comparison.

One gives you a few weeks to pay and info on how billing works, one has no grace period and uses scare tactics. An ambulance bill from St M...An ambulance bill from Toro... Doug Ford recently passed a health care bill that many are rightly criticizing for opening up a “two tiered health care system”, but I’d argue we are already there. The question isn’t IF Ford’s government will create inequity, it’s how much further will it entrench it?
Mar 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Sometimes it really blows my mind that I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve cried at my current job.

Because the job beforehand…a ‘good day’ was measured by if and how much I cried.

The amount of work and intensity of work didn’t change. The culture did. Like???? I was really crying after the end of a work day, crying when I woke up and realized I had to work, getting off bullshit calls and crying. I once asked my union steward “I would like to brainstorm solutions so I don’t end up crying all the time.”
Mar 21, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Here is a very serious list of people you run into on campaigns since #TOpoli is heating up. To be taken 100% literally: Phone Call Phantom:
⁃this person is always on the phone and usually walking quickly
⁃never leaves a meeting with action items
⁃they look busy but you’re unsure if you’ve seen them do any work
⁃confident, loves hierarchy as long as they’re at the top of it
Mar 19, 2023 22 tweets 5 min read
Ok so I went deep into the archives for personal examples of “Privileged Politicians and Pundits Can’t Comprehend Community Organizing Existing”. A #TOpoli 🧵: In early May of 2016, Women in Toronto Politics was still active, a small by-law change from Denzil Minnan-Wong landed on the radar of myself, @ClaireMcWatt, and other activists.
Jan 10, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
There’s this one rhetoric pattern that Antiv*xers, climate deniers, and right wing debate me types follow that once you see it it’s impossible to unsee:

Intentionally neutral tone + logical fallacy + personal implication + path of righteousness.

Here’s how to (try and) deal: Example:

I just think it’s curious that I hear so many stories of people who are vaccinated getting sick, and right after the holidays? The timing is odd, if you don’t want to be concerned that’s your prerogative I’m just asking questions to be informed.
Jan 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Hello all you engaged #TOpoli folks. Overwhelmed by the complex document that is our city budget? Trying to explain it to a friend? Here's a stab at demystifying Toronto's budget; first up: Operation vs Capital budgets. Demystifying Toronto's Budget: Operating vs Capital Someone, I forget who, told me a while ago to consider "operating" as the "keep the lights on" part of the budget and the "capital" as the "ok now let's take care of the rest of the house" budget. Which I found helpful! #TOpoli Operating Budget: This is the "keep the lights on"
Jan 8, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
The more conversations around the #TOpoli budget ramp up, the more some old misconceptions come around. Here are 5 myths about the municipal budget and what you can say when someone brings them up: Myth Busting The Toronto Mu... 1. There's no such thing as being "allowed" to speak on the budget, it affects all of us

#TOpoli Image
Oct 25, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
Ok #TOpoli, I have a nerd thread about media bubbles.
This is the start of a deep dive, I plan on making the data accessible like usual once I've added everything to it.

My compassionate reality check: no, not everyone is talking about the election. A chart of keywords across the following news sites: CTV New This is a keyword analysis across each site and I chose a variety of keywords not just in the political sphere, but what the papers are driving people towards in general. This is organic keyword research, built into each paper's online presence and strategy.
Oct 25, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Huge congrats to my pal @JennieWordenTO for punching above her weight. Pulling over 20% of the vote on her first campaign without any major party backing against an incumbent backed by Tory? That is IMPRESSIVE! More vote share than some other #topoli "progressives to watch"! Councillor Ward 19 - Beaches-East York  Candidate:Brad Bradf Bravo for Alejandra who seems to be winning by a large margin with 70% of vote share so far, no more ballot recount nightmares in Davenport! #TOpoli
Oct 23, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
Wow it’s Election Day tomorrow and in an unprecedented move, David and Alexis are announcing some official endorsements for pawwwgressive #TOpoli champions! Two kittens sit on a couch ... David and Alexis are feline good about @ausmalik! #topoli The title of the graphic sa...
Sep 12, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
I’m on my lunch break but I’m going to take the time to point out a few things:

Diana is a goddam rockstar, she enters policy conversations as a deep necessity of her work, she’s walking the walk every day as a crisis worker and advocate.

Many #TOpoli men attack her. Go to her mentions or quote RTs and you will find several bad faith arguments, mansplaining, speaking from an uninformed place that could be aided by a quick google search, and “sjw purity test” allegations.
May 30, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Heh. Dug out a private thread I did two years ago about The Star’s Liberal bias and Andrea sexism - just via photos. I’m critical of Andrea, but Martin et al laying using subtle and not so subtle misogyny makes it harder for all women in politics. Anyone who has worked in content production or editorial layout can recognize the EFFORT The Star put in over years to make Andrea look ‘bad’ based on misogynistic expectations of women.
May 28, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
Twitter hates nuance I’ll try my best:

There is a tweet out from Andrea Horwath praising police officers, that is being rightfully condemned by progressives.

Last year as a central ONDP staffer I faced pushback around my advocacy for strong statements on encampment evictions. This is one of the situations I cited in my exit interview for why I would leave so close to the election.

Internally three of us who worked in the digital department were vocal about the need to condemn police action on encampments in our social media content meetings.