🌹Bara King薔薇🔞 Profile picture
🔞(characters 18+)Bara. Male. 29. USA. AO3writer Loveatfirstsight🌹bsky: https://t.co/oNllxhH6SV 🌹header: @jollykings_
luCARBio (commissions open!!!!) Profile picture Deyy 🇵🇸 Profile picture Honeyseok❄ Profile picture Valkyrie Profile picture 【 sol 】 Profile picture 8 subscribed
May 11, 2023 440 tweets >60 min read
🧡💚A Place to Rest 🛏️

Omegaverse BKDK
omega!Izuku w pussy /Alpha!Katsuki

Izuku is almost never comfortable. Since he was a kid, a severe awkwardness wrapped around him. Keeping him away from others, smothered him. He’d soend his days wondering how he could do better, and nights thinking about what he should have done. When his secondary gender was diagnosed at the doctor, it only solidified in his mind the feeling of being an outsider, an Other. Being an omega was just another way of being different when he just wanted to feel normal.
May 6, 2023 152 tweets 26 min read
BKDK Paranormal Investigator Izuku (w pussy) and Demon Katsuki - NSFW

Izuku has always been sensitive to the paranormal. It all started out to when he woke up suddenly one night as a child. Rubbing his eye, he saw his father standing at the door way. “Papa?” His father didn’t say a word, but smiled and waved. Izuku giggled and waved and said goodnight, thinking that his father must have gotten home late from work and was just checking in on him.
Mar 10, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read

“Wider. Don’t make me tell you twice.”

Izuku’s lips squirm in a pout, pink freckled face hidden behind scarred fingers.

Izuku’s powerful thick thighs spread wider, the naked hero bearing his smooth soft pussy to his husband. Izuku showcased his chubby cunt at the edge of their bed, his burly cruel husband in a loose black tanktop and grey sweatpants. Katsuki just looks down on his perfect boywife, sharp crimson eyes merciless to his Izuku’s shaking legs and twitching pussy.
Oct 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I have to renew my passport and it’s going to push my arrival in japan possibly a month or two forward. My mom says “seems like japan doesn’t want you” and i know she’s apprehensive about me going bc then i could be ME unapologetically I mean its not like im gonna be like “IM QUEER AS FUCK!!!!” And wear rainbows 24/7 but like i will be able to go to gay bars casually and not have to make up excuses. I will be able to have gay romantic interests over. But my moms afraid I’ll get bullied or beaten
Sep 6, 2022 164 tweets 30 min read
The questions had plagued Bakugou on the way to his parents house, these questions he had buried as he had stepped into adulthood even as a child. Because, to be a child meant you had parents. What happens when you don’t have parents? You’re forced to become a strange- and horrible in-between. He had still looked like a child, yet had to survive the underworld as an adult must. To teach himself, to take care of himself, to wipe his own tears, to talk gently to himself like someone was there to soothe him.

Now he was truly an adult.
Jul 15, 2022 164 tweets 31 min read
——-Fangless 🐺————-

Part 5 🧡💚



LOOK at the STUNNING art @hanodefanart did of our favorite human and wolf hybrid 🧡💚🐺 Katsuki loves tasting his human✨ please follow @hanodefanart and RT their art!
Jun 10, 2022 101 tweets 19 min read
A small sweet chirp from a pup, no, a kit, calls out “Izuku!” Just as Izuku had said, the small bunny hybrid was a pale white rabbit with pink eyes and a frilly pink dress with little frilly straps at her shoulders. Bakugou tenses as she runs towards them, but looking down- at his human brightening bright and smile opening up pearly and jasmine like at her incoming presence, soothes the sharp jitters in Katsuki. Izuku looked good picking up the little kit, who had long floppy white ears, that looked soft like flower petals. Yet Katsuki narrows his -
Apr 9, 2022 262 tweets >60 min read

Part 3 🐺🧡💚


Previously, Part 2 is up on AO3 🐺
Mar 18, 2022 296 tweets >60 min read

Part Two 🐺🧡💚

Beginning: Another amazing fanart from bermuda!! Please follow them theyre amazing!!!🥺🧡💚🐺
Mar 5, 2022 332 tweets >60 min read
BKDK wolf hybrid Katsuki, rehabilitator human Izuku, Izuku w pussy //cw: mentions of physical abuse

—— Fangless ——

People speak of when you’re happy, time goes by too fast, and when you’re bored or sad, too slow.

But hell?

Hell is a place with no time. When you’re trapped, there is no present, no future, if you’re lucky, you get a past to escape to.

The chains feel like a part of Katsuki’s body now. Like a tooth grown in wrong, a nagging dull pain.
Feb 8, 2022 309 tweets >60 min read


Jan 22, 2022 258 tweets >60 min read
would. Then he heads over to the kitchen, passing by a defeated but hungry little rabbit munching down on pancakes. Bakugou whips himself up bacon and eggs as a Sunday treat, and joins Izuku at the table.

Something has been bothering Katsuki. Nagging like a thorn in his foot, ever since what Izuku said this morning. Did Izuku just randomly pounce of Bakugou? Was he just a flustered rabbit by nature, not because of how Izuku feels about the retired pro? Was Katsuki alone in feeling this painfully undeniable attraction then? How fucking frustrating.
Jan 6, 2022 250 tweets >60 min read
BKDK Hybrid Support Bunny / Retired Hero Bakugou / Age gap / NSFW / Deku w pussy

Bakugou wakes up to the feeling of his phone vibrating underneath his pillow. A buzzing that jolts him awake, and he blinks in the new dark dawn, only a blue glow lighting up his bedroom. Memories of sounds always fuck him up. In his dreams, he can hear everything again, and when he wakes, the cotton numb fogginess of his silent world envelopes him again. Like diving into a pool, and the quiet is everywhere at once.
Apr 29, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
BKDK ABO pwp NSFW A!Katsuki o!Izuku///

“I’m home, shitty omega.”

Katsuki’s suit is tight, his muscles overwhelmed the dress suit he wore for the pro hero press conference. Izuku crawls to the front door in a pink collar, nude, with a flushed freckled face looking up. “Welcome home, Kacchan. Please relax, Alpha.” Izuku gulps and presses his cheek to the smooth wood flooring and presents his leaking tiny pink cunt for his Alpha. Katsuki loosens his tie and huffs, brow tense as he undoes his belt and unzips to let loose a gigantic red cock.
Oct 27, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
SO EMBARRASSING so I do zoom classes on my phone and I heard an ice cream truck and started running out of my house to the truck that’s down the street. While I’m running with my phone I don’t realize my mute is has been switched off so everyone can hear me ordering icecream- and joking with the driver of how I’m still in pajamas:’) i order a coconut bolli and a powerpuffgirl gumball eye popcicle 😂 i check back on my classes and see everyones messaged and private messaged me that im off mute. Everyone asks what i got and jokes how i Needed icecream
Oct 19, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
God Katsuki getting his pussy fucked deep and hard by babbling lovey Deku is such a good flavor.. Katsuki is overstimulated by Deku’s stupidly big cock, Deku’s so sweet and nervous crying about how much he loves Kacchan and how good Kacchan feels inside and how pretty Kacchan is. Deku likes to stick his scarred thumb in Katsuki’s drooling mouth as he slaps his waist like a dog huffing and starry eyed, Katsuki can barely keep his eyes open and whimpers as his pussy is pounded so good. His fat pecs drip with sweat, Deku rambles about how cute Kacchan looks-
Oct 15, 2020 48 tweets 9 min read
BKDK NSFW ABO Deku w Pussy for my sweet Fish Kun 🐟

At 18 an Omega is legally bound to choose their Beta/Alpha. An unfair law, but it at least gave Omegas one year of a free choice before assigned government mandated partners. Companies thrive off of this with dating programs- and such. Although the rise of quirks gave humans supernatural abilities, a rising rate of sterile humans rose as well. It was encouraged to mate at 18 to start the process of making a family, and the norm.

Deku was still very insecure, even with his newfound powers and-
Aug 30, 2020 49 tweets 9 min read
Aizawa x Shigaraki NSFW Shiggy w pussy (I’m sorry but uh) ABO dubcon

Shigaraki ends up kidnapping aizawa, from what he learned of Chisaki Kai, he supposed perhaps there was something similar he could do in regards to Aizawa’s quirk. His League of Villains have a - hideout on the outskirts of the city, it was an abandoned bath house, Aizawa was handcuffed in special handcuffs that muted his quirk. Shigaraki never had the time or peace to notice just how good Aizawa smelled before. Of course, he knew instinctively that Aizawa-
Apr 21, 2020 47 tweets 9 min read
BKDK / ABO / Low key promiscuous top!A!Bakugou and virgin!o!Deku NSFW

Deku knows the rumors. Although people liked to talk shit, everyone had the hots for Bakugou, girls And boys at UA. Word was, if you knock on his door 5 distinct times it was code for casual sex. He would open the door, see if you were worth fucking, let you in or not. Also, you had to bring a condom and any sex supplies needed. He was the strongest Alpha and word of his humongous cock and knot was well spread. Gossip that he’d fucked even Alphas was the new hot topic.
Feb 2, 2020 87 tweets 15 min read
#dkbk /angst with happy ending/ nsfw

Deku broke up with Katsuki.
They were older now, 25, Deku was now the same build of All Might in his prime. Katsuki’s build was impressive but no where near Deku’s, the sunshine smiled boyish freckled face was still there.. just more manly. Deku was the no.1 Hero, Katsuki was second, and their friend Todoroki was 3rd.

At senior graduation at UA, Deku confessed to Katsuki underneath a blooming sakura tree. Deku had his eyes squeezed shut, red as a tomato, when he didn’t hear anything his heart dropped.
Dec 5, 2019 40 tweets 7 min read
#BKDK AU Alpha!Deku Omega!Baku

After Deku found Bakugou in a mess of slick in the locker room, Deku had been worried why Bakugou hadn't returned to the dorms, they had mated right then after going delirious from Bakugou's delayed first heat. Deku lost all sense after seeing- Bakugou slumped against his locker, black tanktop pulled up and caught behind his tits, pink nipples swollen, thick muscular legs open wide, his feline-like face red and miserable with lust, his pussy sloppy while getting fingered with two battle toughened fingers, and a dense-