The Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) is a premier and flagship Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Africa mandated to enhancing human rights.
Jan 30, 2020 • 26 tweets • 10 min read
1) An open letter to the leaders of international development banks, the United Nations, international aid organisations, funding agencies, and national governments on Digital ID. Most digital identity programmes follow a centralised and ubiquitous model, without delivering incremental benefits to users. #HudumaNamba
Apr 1, 2019 • 13 tweets • 6 min read
It’s a packed courtroom at Milimani Law Courts as we wait for the #NIIMSCaseDecision We’re hopeful 🤞🏾for a decision that affirms constitutional protections and fundamental rights to #privacy and due process
What’s at stake in the #NIIMSCaseDecision? The right to privacy (including freedom from undue surveillance), due process and public participation in law making, and the rights of marginalized and #stateless communities that have historically not benefited from citizenship