Megas Gourou Profile picture
Oct 14, 2023 12 tweets 6 min read
Neo Ottomanism (Yeni Osmanlıcılık) is an irredentist and imperialist Turkish political ideology.

"Jerusalem was calm and peaceful under our leadership.
Now it is full of conflict and blood."
Said RTErdoğan at his speech in parliament a few days ago. ⤵️… A few days later, the Turkish president delivered a speech to an audience of young people chanting slogans such as "Jerusalem is ours and will remain ours".

Ottoman syndrome and inferiority complex left to them by the fall of the Ottomans. ⤵️
Nov 5, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
Good Evening.
I wanted for a long time to write about our NATO ally and its stance on the #WWII.
Like today #Turkey's neutral stance over the #UkraineRussianWar is something that the Word "moral" is out from their vocabulary.
thread following. Image Christmas 1942:
Greece, on its knees under the Nazi Occupation, is experiencing the worst famine since the time of Antiquity, with thousands dying of starvation in most major urban centers. Turkey since June 1941 had signed a "friendship pact" with Nazi Germany, and a year later