Tim Thurley Profile picture
Public safety policy specialist with MSc in firearm homicide (MSc @fggaleiden, BAHon @UofT). More bans won't work. Ex-politico. North of 60°. #GSTK
Mar 30, 2023 17 tweets 5 min read
The firearm proposals here are far worse than I expected, and with less basis in evidence.

Worth noting before I delve into details that the three largest mass casualty homicide events since C-68 have been, in order:

1) Illegal, smuggled firearms
2) Mass stabbing
3) Vehicle None of the new gun control recommendations would have had any impact on any of these attacks.

There are some egregious inaccuracies, such as: saying he had "...semi-auto firearms rather
than ordinary hunting rifles or shotguns."

Semi-auto guns are 'ordinary' guns for hunting.
Mar 28, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
The co-Chair of Doctors for Protection from Guns wrote a letter to the editor of the National Post about my article today.

It's laden with inaccurate depictions of my article and position and, in my personal view, contains few solid rebuttals. There is absolutely a problem with violence.

There is also a massive problem with the solutions they suggest: sweeping bans and massive expenditures which will not save lives and will not make Canada safer, misdirecting us from spending energy on solutions which can work. Image
Jan 24, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
My working theory on this is that the Liberal Party sought to campaign against the USA using gun lobby groups as a domestic proxy.

That's been a consistent and safe Liberal political strategy. Guns are just a useful tool to achieve it. Domestic gun lobby groups are pretty tiny and not very wealthy. Despite Trudeau's rhetoric on the power of the gun lobby, the Liberals know this. That's why they thought it was safe to run against those groups, and why the Liberals pump up that conflict in their rhetoric.
Jan 23, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Regularly receive questions on why I discuss Indigenous-specific issues when it comes to firearms so often when #BillC21 impacts most lawful firearm owners in Canada for no additional public safety benefit.

It's a good question. I'd like to go into some of the reasons: First, the government has a specific duty to consult and accommodate Indigenous peoples in areas that adversely impact established Indigenous legal rights. Hunting is a well-established Indigenous right. #C21 adversely impacts it by prohibiting important tools.
Sep 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Afraid @TopeOriola is wrong here. I've been a critic of police politicization in the past, but this isn't that. Gov has the right to set policing priorities.

Plus, the whole point of the damn program is to take legal guns away from the law-abiding. globalnews.ca/news/9160552/a… That's the government's stated intent. It doesn't need to be a blanket ban of guns to meet that definition. It can be limited and still do that.

Not going to get into the further flaws: the buyback doesn't change mag caps, the ban targets literal hunting rifles, but damn.
Sep 28, 2022 22 tweets 10 min read
The Order in Council has again raised the question of what constitutes a “variant” of a prohibited firearm. I filed an ATIP and got some answers, along with many more questions. Thread, with extracts throughout.🧵 Firearms classification includes two broad categories: firearms classified by characteristic, and firearms classified by name. Those assigned by name include the AR-15. By design, it would be a non-restricted (NR) firearm; by name, first restricted and then prohibited.
Sep 27, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
This is a dangerous conflation of two unrelated issues from a reporter. Minister isn't directing the RCMP not to seize crime guns, such as those seized in the road rage incident. The direction is to avoid participating in the so-called buyback. That's not the same thing at all. Participation in the firearm confiscation program by police and the seizure of firearms upon license revocation or illegal activity by police are entirely different activities. One will proceed without the other. To conflate them misleads the public. @GlobalCalgary