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May 12th 2023
On April 29 Conservative shadow minister for public safety MP Raquel Dancho spoke at the “Stick To Your Guns Dinner” held by a gun lobby group, the Canadian Shooting Sports Association. In doing so, she said there are “rights” to own firearms in Canada #cdnpoli A🧵1/ Image
Ms. Dancho said that “you have a lot of really hard-working Conservatives working hard every day to protect your rights to own firearms.” (at 3:34) You can watch Ms. Dancho’s entire speech to the Canadian Sport Shooting Association here: 2/
Ms. Dancho then said it was so important that Canada get a Conservative government for several reasons including “to protect firearm ownership rights.” (at 5:50) #cdnpoli 3/
Read 8 tweets
Jan 23rd 2023
Regularly receive questions on why I discuss Indigenous-specific issues when it comes to firearms so often when #BillC21 impacts most lawful firearm owners in Canada for no additional public safety benefit.

It's a good question. I'd like to go into some of the reasons:
First, the government has a specific duty to consult and accommodate Indigenous peoples in areas that adversely impact established Indigenous legal rights. Hunting is a well-established Indigenous right. #C21 adversely impacts it by prohibiting important tools.
The #Liberal government makes a grand theatre of respecting #Indigenous rights but regularly fails to follow through. This is one such instance. The government failed to hold a single meeting specific to the central issue of #C21 (the ban) with Indigenous groups.
Read 11 tweets
Dec 9th 2022
• 1913, you required us to have a permit to carry a handgun.
We complied. There was no discernible reduction in violent crime.
• 1920, you required us to have a permit to possess any firearm, regardless of where it was stored.
We complied. There was no discernible reduction in violent crime.
Read 23 tweets
Dec 4th 2022
I’m going live again this afternoon
Pt4: Countdown 2 the #Ungovernabowl

Theme: #CombatVeterans, #PeaceKeepers Valour & Trauma

It’s time we band together w those who fought 2 safeguard #freedom & mobilize #GodsArmy against the enemy‼️

\\\ 🐐 \\\
👆Send this everywhere 2 all those who served, 2 those in active duty & those with loved ones who put it all on the line 4 their country.

Come share yr stories of strength & courage against all the odds.

Make Earth Great Again.
Time 2 Mobilize #GodsArmy…
👆@Vets4FreeCanada send this far & wide. #Canada would 2 hear what UR up 2 in your mission 2 help save #Chinada & how we can help

@TomMarazzo (& #JamesTopp) are visible leaders who R front & center combatting the enemy join in and share yr news 📰 🙌

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