Tom Kozlik Profile picture
Head of Public Policy & Municipal Strategy at @HTS_Financial, a leading U.S. municipal investment bank; #muniland; tweets not endorsements
Jun 30, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
Our commentary: Another Corporate Facility Launched, @federalreserve Chair’s Prepared Comments are Stale, & PPP Expires #muniland… A scattered reopening rollback continued in the U.S., and an increase in confirmed #COVID19 cases is still expected. #muniland
Jun 29, 2020 7 tweets 6 min read
Our new commentary: The New Surge Renders Thursday’s June Jobs Numbers Meaningless, Almost Ensures Federal Relief in July #muniland… The June change in #nonfarmpayrolls and the new #unemploymentrate are meaningless. The new surge in infection and resultant policy adjustments are going to weigh heavily on near-term economic results. July numbers will be a better indicator. #muniland
Jun 27, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
Our latest: The @federalreserve, after performing its annual stress tests, are requiring banks to suspend share buybacks in the third quarter, and the Fed is only allowing dividends to be paid based on an earnings formula. #muniland… The broader backdrop for investors and the financial community at large is that the #COVID19 #Pandemic Recession is a national stress test.