Tomasz Onyszko Profile picture
father of two | ex-founder (exited), CTO | podcast host "CTO Morning Coffee" | skiing ⛷️ | investing... semi-retierd (not have to)
Jul 22, 2022 23 tweets 18 min read
Going live with "CTO Morning Coffee" 🎙️☕with @liveweird and @wjptak on Spaces:…

This week - books and other sources. Convo is in Polish 🇵🇱 but I will keep list of books and sources mentioned in this thread.

Join us! Enjoy 🖖 @liveweird @wjptak First from @wjptak - @lexfridman podcast for 🚲rides
Sep 30, 2020 28 tweets 13 min read
THREAD: Yesterday I gave a talk at #ITechDays on #Security approach in a #Cloud with #Azure context.
Here is key points and promised links and references. DISCLAIMER: I'm MVP and RD but it isn't based on NDA info. My opinions only.
It might be wrong. You are warned.

Pic (cc) Image
Jul 23, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Recently I was asked by couple of people (including @joshva_jebaraj) for advice where to start or what direction to take in professional life.

If they asked it - most likely others are looking for it too.

Not a guide but where I would start right now?

@joshva_jebaraj #1 - Build and maintain your profiles in a clear way.

- under full name (build it)
- clearly state what you do (you build up)
- where (area of focus)
- what you can help with or what you seek

Use your profiles to document work and build portfolio (proof).

Jun 29, 2020 16 tweets 10 min read
I needed a space to deploy simple web page over weekend. Requirements:
- static web page
- custom domain (apex)
- HTTPS enabled.

I gave a try to #Azure storage as a web hosting. Thread: (hint: documentation sucks at least a bit).
Storage: simple, yet useful service in all #cloud. #Azure storage host static website:
Pro: simple, cheap, custom domain
Con: No HTTPS for custom domain
Basic setup:…
- Create storage account
- Enable web hosting
- Change public access level
Done. Works.
Jun 2, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Hi, in 3 min I'm going live with @PredicaExperts on short AMA. If you have questions about tech, company, running business, meaning of life ... join us :)!

Link to YouTube stream: @PredicaExperts Some links used during the #AMA:

Manager's Path -…

An Elegant Puzzle -…
May 7, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
I reflected over coffee about my learning process today. It changed and formed into a funnel process:

👉 discover and acquire
👉 refine
👉research go deep

The most significant change over the years: go wider than deep.

(short thread) Acquire has changed. Mostly get initial information and news from my info-bubble:
👉 Twitter (very efficient)
👉 Linkedin feeds
👉 Direct media feeds (very little)
👉 Peers recommendation (a lot)

It feeds my refinement funnel.
Apr 11, 2020 19 tweets 25 min read
@patoarchitekci @marekgrabarz @rwitkowski_asc No więc tak, przesłuchałem w drodze do ... Panie Władzo, to naprawdę moja krytyczna życiowa potrzeba ... tyle powiem w temacie wyjścia. To teraz o odcinku.

@patoarchitekci @marekgrabarz @rwitkowski_asc @marekgrabarz temat zna tak i to z praktyki, że aż mi trochę głupio że co nie powiem wyjdzie na hejt :), ale mam nadzieje że raczej będzie konstruktywnie i rzeczowo.

Mar 27, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Have you heard about naked guy at @zoom_us call? You don't want it - just TURN ON the password for meeting.

You are on #MicrosoftTeams? Use #azureAD conditional access and lobby settings.

Avoid naked people! Stay safe! Stay home#… @zoom_us Conditional access for #azureAd -…
Mar 19, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
I just sepent 40min on-boarding first teach in y kids school to #office365 @MicrosoftTeams - it doesn't have to be Microsoft, Google has similar offer. As IT we can help. Schools has little staff and might not be prepared.

@MicrosoftTeams How? It takes 15min to start entire tenant for #office365 education - go here;…

No credit card required, no domain required - they can work for a while on if you ask me

Jan 19, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Brilliant @ServerlessChats episode with @simalexan - not only on #serverless but voice and its future, bit of #WardleyMaps. Go and listen - you will enjoy it: @ServerlessChats @simalexan Now - there is a moment when @simalexan and @ServerlessChats discuss a case for a plumber who uses voice to check which parts he needs using voice assistant backed by serverless tech. 1/2
Jan 13, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
For anyone considering going solo/consulting/bootstrapping a business - here is a blog from @dvassallo how to prepare for it:…

It is a bit similar thinking I did 10+ years ago. Essentially main question was - "what will be the worst outcome both financially and from career point of view". 2/n
Jan 3, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
Just took some time of new year so far to finish a book I started - Boyd:… - man, this is a story (with some flaws most likely but anyway - good read). I will take some time to dump some thoughts 1/n Image First of all it is a great story on personal level - if you know someone in Holywood or at Netflix let them know, it might be hell of the movie or series about everything which is described in the book about military, fighters, air force, politics - it has it all

Jan 2, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Jak wywołać negatywne skojarzenie klienta z WOŚP?

Puszczać mu muzykę z WOŚP przez 7 min (and counting) na infolinii czekając na połączenie z konsultantem ;). Po 11 minutach, z mojej winy przyznaję się konsultant przekierował mnie na kolejkę z powrotem. Moja miłość do muzyki z WOŚP rośnie z każdą minutą :)