R, data science, dataviz, maps, raytracing. Developer of rayshader, rayrender, and the rayverse | PhD in Physics | @Penn
Feb 7, 2022 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
1/6‼️New #rayrender update (v0.25.0)! This update brings `render_ao()`, a function that renders scenes using ambient occlusion. AO is useful when you want to represent a 3D scene but don't want harsh shadows.
Here's the JWST (@NASAWebb) Telescope, rendered with AO in #RStats:
2/6 You can either render w/ pure AO (B&W), or keep the diffuse colors in the model. Keeping colors allows you to highlight certain parts of your scene.
This technique is widely used: check out this NYT article on the Tulsa Race massacre.
Visualizing the output of my 3D hair simulation #rstats package in rgl. Not as pretty as rayrender, but way faster to iterate with!
Adding some lateral movement into the mix:
Jul 1, 2020 • 20 tweets • 8 min read
Reminder: there are hundreds of great, FREE learning resources for #rstats out there.
There's no need to sign up to take courses with a disgusting, ethically bankrupt company with sniveling, feckless leadership.
I'm completely self-taught in R. Here's a list of the FREE, OPEN materials I've used on my journey:
For data wrangling and visualization, nothing beats Hadley's "R for Data Science"
1/4‼️Here it is, folks! #rayshader 0.13.0 has just released with render_highquality(): a built-in, hassle free, no-learning-required pathtracer (powered by #rayrender) for awesome 3D visualizations. Point camera, call function--easy.
#rstats github.com/tylermorganwal…2/8 Also, say hello to the new `save_obj()` function! You can now export your 3D visualizations to the OBJ file format, which includes the surface texture and transparent water.
Jun 25, 2019 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
1/5 THE LONG WAIT IS OVER! I'm happy to announce the release of rayshader with 3D ggplots. Pull up your favorite ggplot viz and throw it into the new plot_gg() function, and watch rayshader transform it into 3D. #rstats#rayshader#dataviz