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Martin Gibson - In Pursuit of Understanding … Economist for UBI, MMT, & Human Capital, Physicist for Palladium Deuterated Cold Fusion, & UniServEnt for Life
Mar 7, 2023 41 tweets 11 min read
The fundamental invariants of physics are defined in terms of certain quantitatively variable dimensional qualities as properties that relate those properties by a fixed measure for computational use in equations suggested by the function of those material properties.
IA01/ Dimensional analysis is beneficial to understanding in this discussion. Energy and mass are both properties of quanta and their aggregates that are indecipherable without definition as inertial changes in space and time. The following are the basic dimensions.
Mar 4, 2023 27 tweets 6 min read
@roydherbert For those interested in #Cosmology, this thread is a response to the #JWST observation of distant galaxies deemed by their large size to have been created before the Big Bang. We analyze this in light of current assumptions of #physics.
A01/ Physics is a study of rates of material change, of observed occurrence of events, of objects in motion. Celestial bodies appear to move across the sky, from day to night. A rock thrown up into the air comes back down to the ground. Photons interact in space over time.