Give a knave an inch, and he'll take an ell Profile picture
TTRPG creator, live-tweeter, they/them trans, ADHD/Tourettes. Views mine. No Nazis, Terfs, Tories. Accessibility NOW! Profilepic @freddeye
6 subscribers
May 15, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read

If I had been given proper appropriate sex education before 9yrs old I would’ve had words to talk abt what happened to me age 6. But I was shown a video about how sex = babies which was aimed at teens. My response after was to repeatedly tell teachers I was pregnant. 1/ The teachers, ofc, told me I wasn’t. I insisted I had to be, and told multiple. Of course I wasn’t pregnant, but I was trying to use the only words and scenario I’d been taught to explain what had happened, and I was ignored and told to stop saying those things. 2/
Jul 6, 2022 145 tweets 56 min read

2.1/ #YubiViews Let me not know things! I d... the next episode is 'the naked time' and so obviously it's gonna be horny af, like, mega levels of lusty BUT i would like to raise you, star trek, what if we were naked with our FEELINGS instead what if we did group therapy and no one tried to bang hot blondes!!

2.2/ #YubiViews
Jun 30, 2022 194 tweets 80 min read
Okay let's do it! #YubiViews for the original Star Trek season! I know it's ridiculous to beg to not be spoiled for a show that's like 60 years old, but I'm begging regardless, I have never seen a Star Trek, original or modern. Here's what I know about Star Trek:

1) It's not Star Wars.
2) Captain Kirk is a human man and he's the boss.
3) Spock Lastname is a Vulcan man and he's... the boss's best friend and also their bRomance spawned modern day fandom so we must pay homage to the OG OTP
4) Bones is the doc, he's scottish,--

2/ #YubiViews
Dec 2, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Just want to put it out there: If you're a small / indie creator doing a #Kickstarter in the #TTRPG sphere and you don't know where or how to start with accessibility for your game, reach out to me! I'll do a small, free consultation with you! You don't have to hire me after! 1/ I can give you ideas of what you can do yourself, what other people can do for you, tips on keeping accessibility as a foundation for your project, etc.

If you do decide to hire me, this tweet here also includes an idea of rates:

May 14, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read

Tonight I'm gonna be starting Persuasion by Jane Austen, as chosen by you 😂 I have never heard of this book, and now Mr Darcy is done and dusted, I'm out of Austen characters.

I guess there'll be some persuading, both good and bad, however 👀 as always no spoilers! #YubiHears

Right so we have a Walter Eliott and two more Elizabeths like Jane pls can I have some new names!!!!

Sad about his wife tho, that's tough.

I like the different feeling to this book!!!
Apr 27, 2021 110 tweets 38 min read
Listening to Pride and Predujice for the first time and Mrs Bennet was JUST about to describe the lace on one of Mr Bingley's sister's dresses and Mr Bennet cut her off!!!! GODDAMN IT I WANNA HEAR ABOUT THE LACE!!!! WHAT LACE WAS IT!!!

Also don't spoil me for this book lol Honestly never read the classics and haven't seen any of the films but I do now know this is the Mr Darcy one and I cannot remember which sister he ends up with but i think this one is seen as A Great Love Story and I'm eager to see if it is or if it's just cis nonsense tbh
Aug 8, 2020 112 tweets 40 min read
ALREETY MY PALS! It's time for #YubiViews and Die Hard!

Here's what I know about Die Hard:

1) It has the bald car man in it.
2) It's apparently a christmas movie (??)
3) There's death and / or hardness (???)
4) I think this is the movie where there's lots of driving and-

1/- explosions??? I think?
4) I think bald car man is Jason Statham (who's name is not said stat-ham, which i know bcs my dad lost his shit when i said 'look that's jason stat-ham' when he was on a bus, except it wasn't it was another bald man and it's not stat-ham)

2/- #YubiViews
Jul 25, 2020 89 tweets 31 min read
ALREET PALS i have my zarusoba, i have my pocari sweat and a lil cup of nigori sake, i am READY for a MOVIE!

so stardust was what i thought the princess bride was lol, with a lady who came down on a meteor. That's all i know. I assume she's the... star B)

1/- #YubiViews other than that i have NO CLUE. i assume it's fantasy-lite? esque? sad, happy, no idea. actors in it? no idea.

as always, i am pleading with the deities for NO aliens NO dead-things-which-are-moving and NO spiders

i beg of ye, o film

2/- #YubiViews
Jul 4, 2020 105 tweets 34 min read
ALREET PALS, tonight we're gonna watch Howl's Moving Castle for #YubiViews!

Now some of ye may know that I actually lived in Japan for a while and hold 2 whole degrees in Japanese language, a bachelors and a masters! I've seen a lot of Ghibli movie, but never this one.

1/- I don't really have a good reason why? But I've been since told it's also a book??? No idea what happens in it. I guess there's a guy called Howl (excellent name). I guess his castle moved. Did he move with his castle? Are we castle hunting? Is this all -

2/- #YubiViews
May 1, 2020 129 tweets 47 min read
ALREET MY PALS! Tonight on #YubiViews we watch... THE MUMMY! (1999 version)! We will also be doing our Help tweets every 10th tweet, so please check them out and help those in need!

As per usual I've never seen the Mummy. I think I had smushed these films and Indiana Jones-

1/- all into one big movie, and was horrified to find out that 1) there's more than one indiana / mummy movie, and 2) Harrison Ford is not in the Mummy.

going out on a limb and guessing Brendon Frasier or whoever is in it seeing as people said that name a lot!

2/- #YubiViews
Mar 7, 2020 236 tweets >60 min read
Tonight on #YubiViews we tackle Jurassic Park. It's old. It's a classic. It's gonna be goddamn terrifying. What do I know abt Jurassic Park? Well:

1) Dinosaurs. I fuckin HATE dinosaurs. I'm terrified of them.
2) A park. Parks are fine. Unless they're filled with dinosaurs.

1/- 3) I'm gonna out on a limb here and say People Realise A Park Full Of Dinosaurs Is A Bad Idea. A dino probably eats someone. Whoever the kind of edgy sad man with a badboy style is will be the one who dies. Probably by dino. Rip in pieces in advance.

2/- #YubiViews
Feb 1, 2020 111 tweets 37 min read
OKAY. First Indiana Jones movie. Learned while making the poll it's called Raiders Of The Lost Ark. It has Harrison Ford in it. He's also Han Solo. I can name no other thing he's in (don't tweet me things he's in). I'm hoping he's Indiana Jones but who knows.

1/ #YubiViews Things I know about Indiana Jones:

1) I think he has a whip.
2) It's not the film I thought it was, turns out that was The Mummy. They're separate films.
3) I think... he... gets stuff?

Now the title of this movie does have more clues.

2/ #YubiViews
Jan 18, 2020 139 tweets 42 min read
OKAY. The Princess Bride. Super well known and beloved film, and I have absolutely no idea what it's about. Now I did initially think it was the one (also not seen) where the lady comes down on a meteor or something but apparently not so, and I think I also got it-

1/ #Yubiviews mixed up with Zorro? Idk i've not seen that one either. So my best guess is 1) there's a princess and 2) she's a bride. Now this seems, to me, pretty standard so idk why this movie is so beloved. Maybe the princess HAS a bride, now that would be neat!

2/ #YubiViews
Jan 11, 2020 7 tweets 6 min read
If you enjoyed my Avatar Thread / #YubiViews / Anything else I do and u wanna support me, here's a small thread of how you can! You are never obliged to do so, and I am exceedingly grateful for all and any support in all its forms!

Let's go! 1/7 1) The simplest way? Retweet stuff. It helps so much! I do a lot of stuff in the #DnD and #TTRPG circles, so it's great when people see my stuff!

2) I have a Ko-Fi: Slinging me a coffee means so much to me and I am so grateful for each one!

Dec 19, 2019 1748 tweets >60 min read

895/- Sokka don't.... eat random plants..... please......

Dec 14, 2019 1939 tweets >60 min read

275/- alreet jeong jeong the only edgelord i accept in this show is zuko git tae fuck

Dec 14, 2019 1972 tweets >60 min read
oh my god zuko flashback OH MY GOD ZUKO FLASHBACK


Dec 12, 2019 2008 tweets >60 min read
fuck it I'm gonna do the thing people have been telling me to do for years. I'm gonna watch Avatar: The Last Airbender. But first, this is a thread of what I think this show is about, who's who, and what happens... 1/- First: Aang. I know this name. This is one of the 4 names I know. I think this is the main guy. I think he's bald. At some point he gets an arrow on his head? I think he kicks and fights people. I think he's maybe the main guy. Going out on a limb, probs the last airbender. 2/-