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- Cancer Survivor β™‹ - Thriving on Life 😊 - Patient Advocate - Healthcare Campaigner - HPV Vaccine Supporter #medicalcardscandal #CarpeDiem ❀️
Feb 2, 2022 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 4 min read
The motion on The cost of #cancer care is currently being discussed in DΓ‘il Γ‰ireann ⬇️
#costofcancer #cancerawareness
oireachtas.ie/en/oireachtas-… Very disappointing attendance at this hugely important debate. Must we die to draw further attention to the issues faced by #cancer patients?

Medical Cards currently being discussed by @MaryButlerTD. Important to say applications of many #cancer patients are being refused.
Oct 31, 2020 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 9 min read
1) The time has come for those that have promised, to finally deliver. Not a single politician has opposed my request for enhanced access to The @HSELive Terminal Illness Medical Card for those of us that are dying.
Please, read on.....
#medicalcardscandal 2) This is An TΓ‘naiste, @LeoVaradkar promising us reform back in 2014. Seven years later and those of us that are dying, are still having to fight for access.
Apr 16, 2020 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
This evening my good friend @PhelanVicky started a thread about #ReasonsToBeGrateful that remind us what we already have, despite living in an era where so much seems to be taken away.
Here's mine (1) I have the gift of life. Nearly 3 years ago I was told I had terminal #Cancer & apart from chemotherapy, nothing more could be done. Get my affairs in order they said (2)