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Founder of @arcdotdev and @codementorio We help developers build amazing remote careers 🚀🌏 I meditate daily, and run 100+ km monthly
Oct 14, 2021 10 tweets 6 min read
Being a parent has made me a better startup founder (and vice versa).

@sacca shared similar learning with @HarryStebbings on how he approaches his children and team members.

The similarity between parenting and managing is astounding.

Thread 👇

#parenting #startup Photo by Daniel Cheung on Unsplash When someone in your life is upset - your kid, your partner, or your team member - Here's the golden rule:

You repeat back to them what you just heard them say.

Then wait. Let it sink in.

Don't try to solve their problems (*important*). Don't minimize the situation either.