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Oct 16, 2022 109 tweets 21 min read
Late day 14 of #xiantober for CR!era 😆

wwx knew that something changed one day, but he was never able to name it. The best way to describe it was that the Jiang siblings made a pact to protect him and aged 10 years in doing so. jc no longer reacted with anger, but in resigned exasperation. jyl looked at him with sad eyes while doting on him. When jfm and yzy argue, there was a blank look instead of fear and sadness.

wwx didn't know how to handle this change, so he continued being his carefree self.
Oct 14, 2022 85 tweets 16 min read
Oops, late for day 13 for #Xiantober 😂 I took a bit to think of this idea for immortalxian, but I like it so you get to see it too 🤭

When he opened his eyes, white clouds and a clear blue sky was the first thing he saw. He turned his head and his face was tickled by grass. He didn't know who or where he was. He had no motivation to stand up or anything, so he surveyed his surroundings from where he laid.

As he contemplated his next move, he continued to lay there as the gentle wind moved the clouds in the sky.
Oct 2, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
I'm late for day 1 of #Xiantober but I love baby wei ying so here's a late thread 😆

Despite wy being an active and bouncy baby, he was also /very/ good at hide-and-seek.

lh, bless his heart, wanted to do something that would interest both his brother and their little guest. He never would have thought the child would scale a tree, half burrow in dirt, or lay in a shallow stream just to hide himself.

Unfortunately, wy /loved/ to play hide and seek with the Lan brothers, and lz wanted what wy wanted.
May 20, 2022 25 tweets 5 min read
520 wangxian threadfic 🥰

lz and wy were childhood friends. Their houses were next to each other and their parents were close enough to leave their children with each other.

lz grew up with a lot of friends because wy introduced him to every one of them. lz met nhs when lh befriended nmj, but it was wy that bridged the two into a quiet compatible friendship.

It wasn't always like that. lz used to find wy to be too loud, too touchy feely, too much to be around.
Apr 11, 2022 58 tweets 11 min read
there's something delicious about teenage wangxian being in love and then fall apart because wwx didn't want lwj associated with a demonic cultivator, not realizing that lwj will do ANYTHING to be with wwx

cue angsty mutual pining because these fools rather suffer than talk this is canon divergent, i just ran out of space in my last tweet lmao

wwx, who survives being thrown into burial mounds, comes out a different person in everyone's eyes and uses that to his advantage when he pushed away his own affections for lwj to keep the man safe from him
Apr 8, 2022 150 tweets 28 min read
god!lwj was sent to earth to learn compassion for humans. He didn't see why it was necessary but didn't have a choice in the matter.

What lwj didn't know was he was not sent in a human form, but in the form of a bunny. He failed to see how it would help, but he was powerless. He could not access his spiritual powers and his connection from heaven was cut. The only way he could return to heaven was to complete his trial.

He was unsure how he was to complete the trial when his first days on earth was spent being hunted by humans with their traps.
Mar 21, 2022 284 tweets >60 min read
foxxian and dragonji reunite after centuries, but lwj was a little dragon unable to communicate until he recovered his spirital powers 🐉🦊

dragonji was used to solo night hunts since he reached higher cultivation at the young age of 13000 years old Dragons reachws higher cultivation at 15000 years, but lwj was always ahead of his peers.

He was naturally skilled and his tendency to training and build upon his cultivation foundations gave him additional headway where as his peers chose to indulge in what life had to offer.
Mar 19, 2022 33 tweets 7 min read
#pregxianseason with modern married wangxian

cw // mpreg

wy was super excited when he first found out he was pregnant. He loved lz and they were both enthusiastic at the idea of becoming parents. When wy went to the doctors to confirm, he kept it a secret from lz, to surprise him later. He didn't expect lz to freeze at the news before enveloping wy in a hug and thanking him for everything

wy already knew they would love their little bun, but everything felt more real now
Dec 20, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
"You need to take better care of yourself, Wei Ying."

wwx wanted to refute, just because he could. But he knew lwj was right. Just being in the waters for the short amount of time had helped immensely. Unlike a water spirit, he was specifically tied to the sea. "Let me stay with you," wwx said instead. "Until your time is up."

lwj visibly hesitated. wwx tried to ignore the sick feeling in his stomach.

Humans don't live as long as mermaids. Their conditional immortality was often the reason why his kind was hunted.
Dec 7, 2021 67 tweets 12 min read
There were only 3 rules that immortals have to follow:

1. Do not be bounded by worldly possessions.
2. Do not kill with the intent of harm.
3. Do not fall in love with a mortal.

lwj broke the last rule the moment he laid eyes on wwx. Many cultivators were unable to reach immortality since they broke one of the three rules in their lifetime.

lwj never realized he managed to reach immortality until one day he realized that his brother had begun to age whereas he never changed after all this time.
Nov 30, 2021 53 tweets 10 min read
I blame my friend for giving me this idea 😩

Wangxian fake dating to fake marrying so they could adopt A-Yuan and give him the stability of a family, all while they pine for each other 😌 It all started when jyl was pregnant with her first child, saying how worried she is for her two single brothers. It was all fun and games when wy teased his younger brother about his lack of a love life.

But then jyl turned her worried eyes at him and asked him about lz.
Nov 29, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
I love how wangxian express their love for each other differently

wwx loves to talk about how beautiful and good lwj is, smile every time he lays eyes on his loving husband, and is generally just /glowing/ with happiness then there's lwj who loves through his actions, where he holds wwx close when they are in town or when they are cuddle. He loves to just stare at wwx and just think about how lucky he is to be with one of the brightest minds of their generation
Nov 21, 2020 258 tweets >60 min read
Dadji thread I promised @gusucloudbunny I would write at some point XD (let's see how much I can throw out before I have to run off to dinner)

Modern AU, single dad lwj, wwx is a disaster as per usual, cue mutual pining because 👌 #MDZS #MoDaoZuShi #WangXian Wei Ying loved his nephew, even though he was a mini version of his dad. But he was also Jiang Yanli's son so he had to grow out of his peacock tendencies... right?

Either way, Wei Ying would never turn down an opportunity to pick up his favourite nephew from childcare.