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Apr 2nd 2023
💣 #Russia

In St. #Petersburg, there was an explosion in a cafe, there was some kind of "creative evening" by Vladlen Tatarsky.

Let me remind you that this is the one who said: “We’ll defeat everyone, kill everyone,rob everyone we need”.

Telegram channels say that he died.
The latest video of the terrorist Vladlen Tatarsky and more videos of explosions in Saint #Petersburg, where he died just now.

He is talking about “Mojahed”, who died yesterday.
Insulting Danylo (the volunteer from Belarus)

#RussiaIsATerroristState #Tatarsky #ВладленТатарский…
Fellas, I will write a FULL translation of what he said. He insults Mojahed, Da Vinci and all Ukrainians ‼️🤬

Give me a minute. Because I'm looking for more photos/videos from the explosion where he died.
Read 16 tweets

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