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Jan 16th 2023
Do y know #Naira testimony?
Naira (15girl)'s propaganda speech at US House of Representatives Human Rights Hearing is still being told today

Iraqi soldier
friend had her fingernails removed, electrocuted her genitals, made her look like an old woman at 22
The Kuwaiti ambassador's daughter, #Naira, staged a tragedy under the guise of a third party, leading US public opinion, which had until then been suppressed, to the #IraqGulfWar.
This kind of sensational imagery deception spreads quickly and widely.
This looks something like
#LeeYongsoo 's testimony before the #US House of Representatives.

이것은 무언가와 비슷합니다.
#이용수에 의한 #미국 하원 에서의 증언입니다.

#李容洙 による #米国下院 での証言です。

#comfort women
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