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Feb 12th 2021
MINISTER: Pst. Stephen Ayoola.
TITLE: On Eagle's Wings


TEXT: Exodus 19 vs 3&4
You shall fly out and over all obstacles hindering you on eagle's wings in Jesus name Amen.
Deuteronomy 32 vs 11-14
We must understand the strength at work in us and with us, and because we are on Eagle's wings, we can fly above what makes others fall.
General things to learn from an Eagle;
1) Its Size, 2) Its Feeding Pattern, 3) Its Nest, 4) Its Mode of Flight(Soaring): it flies above any storm. 5) It is Monogamous(one partner for life).
Read 7 tweets
Feb 11th 2021
Text: Exodus 19:2-4
Preacher: @Muyibam
Topic: Borne on the Eagle's wings

The Isrealites saw several things the Lord did to the Egyptians but they didn't realize He bore them on Eagle's wings.
No matter the physical location of a man, they could still be staying in the secret place of the Most High.
Read 15 tweets
Jun 2nd 2019
With Jesus' joy in our heart, we make welcome our Senior Pastor Rev'd @danayidu as shares God's word with us this morning.

#RevDanAyidu #CHURCHGRA #SundayService #TheAdvantage #18thAnniversary
Topic: The Advantage
Text: John 1:1-5

God is equal and equivalent to His word. The Word is God. When you go with the name you go as a representative of Jesus but the Word is God himself.

#RevDanAyidu #CHURCHGRA #SundayService #TheAdvantage #18thAnniversary
Wherever the Word is, God is present. When God sends His Word, it goes and deliver the result. Today, God's word will find expression in your life

#RevDanAyidu #CHURCHGRA #SundayService #TheAdvantage #18thAnniversary
Read 14 tweets
Jun 2nd 2019
#Praise #RA

I'll speak of Your Glory,
I will show forth Your beauty
If I dance it won't be enough,
And If I shout it won't be enough🎤🎶

#CHURCHGRA #SundayService #TheAdvantage #18thAnniversary
#Praise #RA

🎤🎶I'll speak of Your Glory,
I will show forth Your beauty
If I dance it won't be enough,
And If I shout it won't be enough🎤🎶

#CHURCHGRA #SundayService #TheAdvantage #18thAnniversary
#Praise #RA

🎤🎶I'll speak of Your Glory,
I will show forth Your beauty
If I dance it won't be enough,
And If I shout it won't be enough🎤🎶

#CHURCHGRA #SundayService #TheAdvantage #18thAnniversary
Read 3 tweets
Jun 2nd 2019
#Praise #RA

🎤🎶Chains are breaking for my sake
Eeh for my sake
Mountains are moving for my sake
Eeh for my sake
Walls are falling for my sake
Eeh for my sake
Everything is working for my sake
Eeh for my sake🎤🎶

#CHURCHGRA #SundayService #TheAdvantage #18thAnniversary
#Praise #RA
@timgodfreyworld X @JJ_Hairston

🎤🎶Children of God
Children of God
Children of God
Children of God
Children of God
Will u shout hallelujah
Shout hallelujah to the Lord most high🎤🎶

#CHURCHGRA #SundayService #TheAdvantage #18thAnniversary
#Praise #RA
@timgodfreyworld X @JJ_Hairston

Onaga Onaga
Onaga Onaga
Is it working
It's working
Is it working
It's working
Is it working
It's working🎤🎶

#CHURCHGRA #SundayService #TheAdvantage #18thAnniversary
Read 3 tweets
Jun 2nd 2019
#Praise #RA

🎤🎶Wetin I do wey make you love me so
You died on the cross just because of me
You she'd your blood
Just because of me
You are bigger than
What people say (yes you are)
And forever you will be my God 🎤🎶

#CHURCHGRA #SundayService #TheAdvantage #18thAnniversary
#Praise #RA

🎤🎶You too dey bless me Ooh
Na so you love me Ooh
You too dey bless me 🎤🎶

#CHURCHGRA #SundayService #TheAdvantage #18thAnniversary
#Praise #RA

🎤🎶Your love has taken over me
Yes I have learnt to depend on you
I've got confidence in you
In you oh lord, I put my trust

#CHURCHGRA #SundayService #TheAdvantage #18thAnniversary
Read 4 tweets
Jun 2nd 2019
#Praise #RA

🎤🎶Shout hallelujah to the LORD
Shout Hosanna to the LORD
I go shout i go dance🎤🎶

#CHURCHGRA #SundayService #TheAdvantage #18thAnniversary
#Praise #RA

🎤🎶Joyous Celebration.
We are here to praise the Lord!
Ooh alleluia, akekofa nanaye.
Ooh alleluia, I serve a very big God oh.
Ooh alleluia, I serve a very big God oh. 🎤🎶

#CHURCHGRA #SundayService #TheAdvantage #18thAnniversary
#Praise #RA

🎤🎶Goodness and mercy shall follow me all of the days of my life
Goodness and mercy shall follow me all of the days of my life
Sanjolama Yawe nabiso sanjolama.
Yembelama Yawe nabiso yembelama. 🎤🎶

#CHURCHGRA #SundayService #TheAdvantage #18thAnniversary
Read 3 tweets

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