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Mar 4th 2023
so, let's talk about how #2A / #2AMaga cultism—you know, @NRA-fuelled obsession with a comically absolutist reading of the Second Amendment of the @usconstitution—is a tool of fascıst politics.

it's quite simple: rich people can hoard more guns. that's the core point.

the *false premise* of Second-Amendment cultism is that unrestrained ownership of firearms is the great equalizer. "God made Man but #Colt made them equal," and so forth.

the @NRA, the @GOP, and bountiful #conservative propaganda promote this idol: equality through guns.

but guns are just *things*, just stuff—consumer products—and therefore, allowing "anyone" to buy a gun favors only the idle rich. it's privileged "passive income" types like @Timcast and @Cernovich, people who have great gobs of free time and leisure, who hoard firearms.

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