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Nov 24th 2018
✧ · ˚ * Taegi AU * . ✧ ˚
「 University student Taehyung and Professor Yoongi despise each other, having no choice but to sort out their differences as their lives become more intertwined and complex. 」
Collab: @BusanDaeguAU Image
Before we begin:
✧ Social AU
✧ Ignore time and date stamps
✧ Will contain crackhead culture
✧ Mostly fluff with little angst
✧ First collab w/ @BusanDaeguAU check her other amazing AUs 💕
✧YG knows JK and NJ. He is JKs big brother and NJs closest friend. He is familiar with VMin as they are his Music students, which he both dislikes.

✧TH knows Jin and JM. He is Jin's little brother and JM who is his BestFriend/Platonic Soulmate.
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