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Jun 16th 2021
Starting soon! Support President & CEO Dr. Jamila Perritt @Reprorightsdoc as she testifies alongside Tohan of @AbortionStories and @michelebgoodwin sharing why we need #WHPA because #PoliticsHasNoPlace in private, medical decisions like abortion care.…
Alright! Let's get this party started. Follow along as we live tweet. @SenBlumenthal is kicking us off with a great overview of the many threats on abortion care, including the upcoming SCOTUS challenge to Roe v. Wade which is why we need #WHPA now.
Thank you @SenBlumenthal for highlighting the existing restrictions on abortion care in states like Texas, Arkansas, and Alabama. "2021 is on track to have the most anti-abortion restrictions from state legislators in decades." These laws are DANGEROUS and MEDICALLY UNECESSARY.
Read 56 tweets
Dec 8th 2020
Happening now: Our CEO Dr @HerminiaPalacio joins Dr
@Reprorightsdoc @prhdocs & @amandabeatrizTX @lilithfund to testify at the U.S. House Hearing on the Harms of the Hyde Amendment. Watch the livestream and join us as we live tweet with #BeBoldEndHyde!
Rep. @rosadelauro opens the hearing: The Hyde Amendment is a discriminatory policy. The time has come to reckon with the norm, and view it through the lens of how it impacts communities of color. #BeBoldEndHyde
Rep. @rosadelauro: Now is the time to empower all women to be able to make deeply personal life decisions without politicians inserting themselves into the doctor’s office. #BeBoldEndHyde
Read 40 tweets

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