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Jan 13th 2021
0/ #BigNews. Our #mRNA @mips vaccine will be fast-tracked to Phase-I clinical trial. The trial is led by our amazing collaborators @TheDohertyInst that includes two candidates mRNA and protein. Why still working on #COVID19 mRNA vaccine in Aus, people ask? Here're #4reasons:
#Reason 1: #Protection at a rapid speed: Our vaccines use a 2nd-generation technology and antigen design that is both effective and rapid. This method allowed us to produce a safe mRNA vax within 3 weeks. ESSENTIAL for rapid response if the virus continues to mutate-saving lives!
#Reason 2: #manufacturing: We have extensive Aus-only experience in #mRNA. More to come but we are in talks with many entities here in Aus and we will try all avenues to convince the relevant groups to help us build the capacity here in Aus. This will be gradual but ESSENTIAL.
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