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Nov 24th 2020
1/5: Remember how @ElectionsACT didn't need to make their source code openly available for public scrutiny because it was going through an "audit and certification process"?

They published the votes on Friday and it is immediately evident that the counting code has bugs.
2/5: Andrew Conway implemented the count & found notable discrepancies with the official tallies - more than 20 votes in some cases. Our report is at…

None of these bugs change the winners. They could have, but this year - by sheer good luck - they didn't.
3/5: You can check Andrew's code for yourself, of course:…

PRs welcome.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 18th 2020
1 // FACT: It's perfectly legal to lie in a political ad, and it shouldn't be #auspol #actpol…
2 // Without action, we risk election campaigns sliding into a fake-news free-for-all

Political advertisements that are deceptive and misleading interfere with the public’s ability to make informed decisions. #auspol #actpol…
3 // As the nation’s capital, the ACT has the opportunity to play a leadership role

Around the world, democracies are struggling to adjust to a world full of disinformation. how to address this challenge will be a defining issue of our age. #auspol #actpol Image
Read 12 tweets

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