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Jan 1st 2022
Happy new year guys! 🥂

2021 changed my life.
I want to reflect on it a bit and talk about all the work I was fortunate enough to create this past year in the #Cardano #NFT Community.

Thank you so much to everyone who was here for the ride! I am very excited for 2022!

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"Portfolio Pieces" Collection

This was my first #CNFT collection, minted back on April 19th. There were 10 pieces total with 10 mints of each. 9 of each piece were given away through Twitter Giveaways and the 10th pieces were either given away or auctioned off later on.

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My 109 collection was a gift to my first 109 followers on @2140withspaces. It was also a test run for the way I planned to release the [2140] series.

Each of the 109 pieces is a unique frame that when put together creates a complete animation.

#CNFT #Cardano #NFT
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