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May 1st 2022
It's #AAPIHeritageMonth! I've always been a little overwhelmed at how to honor #APIDA/NHPI stories, esp after such overexposure in recent years. I've been processing a lot over the past, present, and future ... 1/
We can tell stories to complicate the binaries of black/white in the U.S. We can address racial triangulation and wedge dynamics. We can address overlaying and intermingled theologies that make up our faith , about how we see God and the church. #AAPIHeritageMonth 2/
We can tell stories that don't center East Asians. We can include #APIDA and #NHPI stories. We can address colorism, militarism, and our unresolved traumas related to our transpacific immigration journeys, riddled with half known war and poverty stories, and survivalism. 3/
Read 13 tweets
Apr 4th 2022
We're thrilled to continue our #WeAreListening campaign to amplify diverse voices in our #ASCJ community — especially those historically unheard in society.

In honor of #APIDA Heritage Month, we're listening to Asian storytellers in media & comm; students, faculty, alums. 👨🏻♥️👂🏻
We're thrilled to listen to trailblazer @mayleeasia, #ASCJ journalism instructor and host of @TheMayLeeShow. The first Korean-American anchor for @CNN, she wants to see the media "better depict Asian women." 👩🏻♥️👂🏻#WeAreListening
We're thrilled to listen to @ilavinash, #ASCJ grad student in digital social media. "The first time I felt represented was when I saw New Girl. It features an Indian character with a complex background, with the same facets as any other woman." 👩🏻♥️👂🏻#WeAreListening @New_GirlTV
Read 10 tweets

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