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Sep 15th 2019
On September 15, 1979, the cover of the Kabul Times depicted General Secretary Nur Mohammed Taraki's earlier appearance at the Non-Aligned Movement's summit in Havana. By the time the papers reached the public, Taraki had been ousted and imprisoned.
The coup within the Khalq, which proved disastrous for Afghanistan, had its roots in growing tensions within the governing faction, as well as between the Soviets and Hafizullah Amin. As we've seen, the Soviets largely blamed Amin for the regime's brutality and incompetence.
Yet Amin also had rivals within the Khalq, a quartet whom he creatively dubbed the "Gang of Four," including the former defense minister Mohammed Aslam Watanjar. When Taraki left for the Havana meeting, in early September, tensions between Amin and his rivals grew.
Read 19 tweets
Jul 3rd 2019
On July 3, 1979, #JimmyCarter signed two Presidential Findings for Afghanistan, marking the beginning of the United States’ program to covertly support the anti-government insurgents. #Afghanistan1979
The first Finding provided authorization to “support insurgent propaganda and other psychological operations in Afghanistan; establish radio access to the Afghan population through third country facilities;” and ...
... “provide unilaterally or through third countries as appropriate support to Afghan insurgents, either in the form of cash or non-military supplies.”
Read 22 tweets

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