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Mar 12th 2023
Registration for #afterhours is now open!

For 3 weeks (starting from March 16th) We’ll be learning and launching things with amazing and notable creators and builders from various disciplines. 🧡

Sign up first for the full gist:
One is a grammy award winner πŸ† and another builds robotsπŸ€–

Some of them run the dopest communities in web3, while others are founders in the tech space.

+ one of the biggest YouTubers from the continent and lots of other contributors!
The goal is to engage with each other in a fun and social environment while learning and being productive at the same time.

More details in the following days, as we countdown to #AFTHRS

Register here:
Read 3 tweets
May 28th 2019
Great to speak at @ukonward #AfterHours last week to make the case for a @Conservatives party that is #OneNation + committed to

πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Defending the Union
🏬 Backing small business
πŸƒ Protecting our environment

Watch part of my speech πŸ‘‡
Great to talk #ESG changes the @Conservatives govt is bringing in to assist with climate change + help ethical investment. πŸƒ This is how private pension investment can help tackle our #ClimateEmergency.
Read 3 tweets

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