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Jan 31st 2023
@aimerigues, un projecte meravellós que es relaciona directament amb el nostre actual Erasmus, #Sustainable cities, i el passat #ALIA, Les ciutats i la salut, al @CCCBmediacio,
Amb Celia Santos, @cebiologa i Mónica Ubalde, @menahia

A Reptes de Ba i Ga, acabant d'exprimir el CERVELL #ALIA d'enguany, hem decidit seguir fent CIÈNCIA CIUTADA també i el nostre sensor ja està on-fire...
Podeu seguir-lo aquí:
Els papers estan ja penjats, même...
I més que en venen!
Arquímedes, Galileu, Pablo Iglesias... prepareu-vos!

Read 9 tweets
Jan 22nd 2023
A Reptes Ba i Ga @aimerigues , com a bons cervells PREDICTIUS q som (glups, Markus!) ens hem posat ja a "cultivar pols" (breeding dust)... q la contaminació no es visualitza sola!
Al temps q, mentre acabem collages #ALIA COLUMNÀTICS i a(bs)tractives COLUMNES de 6 nivells i subtil arquitectura amb neurones piramidals included, of course, [...]
hem decidit anar ja a l'ARREL (no us PENJEU!) de la qüestió en si i endinsar-nos amb decisió where (predictive)perception meets consciousness meets METAPHOR meets science meets art meets concepts meets images meets SENSE...
Read 8 tweets
Jun 18th 2020
This does not look like a natural relationship #MaheshBhatt, Rhea Chakravorty looks almost scared of you, After #Jalebi she became #Sushant's GF while being in such proximity with you. Your daughter is cavorting with a #Loser with no films. 1/1
Then Rhea started repeating what you said about #PraveenBabi and #Sushant that he was hearing voices. Tt ty were fighting depression &taking medicines. It sounds u & your family (MukeshBhatt) were along with Rhea building a case against him? Why was she ensuring he took medicines
We recall seeing #Alia's BF #RanbirKapoor drunk or high on something else, laughing and kissing everyone hysterically at an awards function, all his movies were flops, so is that why she, he, you, ur brother, KJo all hated #Sushant and his success? Sinister
Read 4 tweets

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