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Oct 19th 2019
Trump: Day 1,001
-Turkey Defies "Pause" Agreement
-Claims "Taken Control" of Syria's Oil
-Threatens Legal Action Against CNN
-Two More House Subpoenas Defied
-Rudy Giuliani Pushed 4 Ukraine Visa
-Now Hawking "Get Over It" T-Shirts
-Threatens GOP Who Side w/Romney
Read 58 tweets
Mar 26th 2019
I've been watching this burn across the internet today and now that I've had time to think about it I'd like to share my thoughts on the #AllWomanSpacewalk with you as a feminist and a space nerd. (1/14)
First I'm completely bummed out. This would have been a cool moment, it would have been something I could put up on the screen of my classroom and the optics of history being made during Women's History Month were so cool. (2/14)
But let's talk about optics for a hot second. You know who else thinks about optics? @NASA does. You find a lot of smart people at #NASA and not just the engineers and the scientists and the astronauts. Their army of public affairs people are pretty quick too. (3/14)
Read 15 tweets

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