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May 18th 2023
Today, when Vande Bharat travels from one place to another, the speed of India is visible in it and the progress of India is also visible: PM @narendramodi

@PMOIndia @RailMinIndia

#VandeBharatExpress Image
@narendramodi @PMOIndia @RailMinIndia This is the time of #AmrilKaal, the time to further strengthen the unity of India. The greater the unity, the greater the collective strength of India will reach. These Vande Bharat trains are also a reflection of this spirit: PM @narendramodi

#VandeBharatExpress Image
@narendramodi @PMOIndia @RailMinIndia Today's #NewIndia is not only making its own technology but also swiftly bringing new facilities to every corner of the country. Earlier, technology would be limited to a few big cities: PM @narendramodi

#VandeBharatExpress Image
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