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Jan 23rd 2019
THREAD. #ElizabethArifFear of Nisa/Nishim needs to read this 👇 statement by @LewishamMosque then reflect on the fact that she disseminated lies & misinformation about her Muslim Brothers, on her Twitter feed. 1/
Allah s.w.t. Commands the Muslims in Surat an Nur 49:6 to verify news that comes you from dubious sources. The MSM is well known to publish inaccuracies about Muslims in order to demonise Muslims/Islam. #WarOfTerror 2/
Unfortunately, it appears that Elizabeth's own animosity towards #AsgharBukhari, whom she reported to Twitter & called a bigot for asking her a question about her evident bias, led her to believe blatant lies against her own Brother in Islam. 3/
Read 8 tweets
Jan 12th 2019
Thread. 1/ Who is Elizabeth Arif-Fear? To know, I counted her Tweets over 24 hours.
On the holocaust tweets = 5 / retweets = 12.
On antisemitism tweets = 10 / retweets = 2.
LGBT = 2
2/ Yesterday Elizabeth reacted badly to #AsgharBukhari asking her to account for her obvious bias in the causes she claims to advocate for. Then despite clearly saying that she did not know who Asghar is,
3/ Elizabeth was happy to accept the opinion of a well know toxic anonymous troll & set about getting Asghar's account suspended.
Read 9 tweets

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