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Jan 24th 2022
What happens
when your
family doctor
for you?

Another 🧵 about the inner workings of 🇨🇦 primary care (or how the sausage gets made), and how fixing the #familydoctorshortage is not just about hiring more doctors.

Let's say you go to your doctor,
after considering your story (= reason for your visit), your past medical history,
the possible diagnoses/treatments
for the issue,
she decides to order blood work (=evidence-based medicine),
& you agree with that (=shared decision making).
She creates a LAB REQUISITION (="req")
She selects the tests that she thinks will help understand/treat/monitor the issue.

This is based on what she learned in med school, what she learned staying up to date(=Continuing Medical Education) & sometimes, a specialist's advice
Read 11 tweets
Jan 20th 2022
I think Nurse Practitioners are a part of the solution to the #FamilyDoctorShortage in #BCPrimaryCare and the rest of 🇨🇦

I expect to hear the following "buts"

1- see too few patients
2- spend too much time per pt, cost too much
3- have less training than FP's

And, I agree they are not 1:1 replaceable with FP's

But a "doctors only" fix to Primary Care is so 2019
Team-based primary care with other care providers:
nurse practitioners
patient navigators

This is what is going to address the shortages, in a meaningful and sustainable way.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 15th 2022
I am a generalist,
full-service family doctor,
working in a clinic
that provides
longitudinal primary care,
and I referred
a few patients
to specialists
this week...

here's how and why that happens 🧵 1/9

When I see a patient, we talk about:

-the reason they needed the appointment today
-how life is going in general
-as needed, their other medical history

after I get hear the story
do a physical exam
review old information
We may decide that we need extra advice
Sometimes it is:
to confirm the diagnosis or
change treatment or
decide on tests or imaging
consider surgery

I need to formulate a specific question & summarize the patient's condition, history and preferences. I do this both on the fly & after the appointment. 3/9
Read 11 tweets
Jan 9th 2022
I am on call for my primary care clinic this week...

What does that mean?

A 🧵 about how
our fee for service (soon to be "group contract") clinic
of 16 clinicians, ~15,000 patients
delivers afterhours #BCPrimaryCare

Our MDs and NPs are on call for one week at a time.

Between 5pm-8am weekdays and all weekend,
we need to be ready to
support patients for
URGENT, not emergency issues
that cannot wait until the next business day

that means phone close by at all times
People call appropriately for:

e.g. sick baby with fever, to figure out does she need to go to emergency or can stay home


e.g. strained back shoveling snow and want to know what can do to alleviate pain

I can bill a "telehealth visit: 14x37"
~32$ for call + documentation
Read 15 tweets
Sep 23rd 2019
THREAD: Everyone gets a Family Doctor!

This new announcement by the @liberal_party recognizes the value of primary care.…

And research shows us that access to primary care saves lives!…
Details in the Libs announcement are sparse, but to my BC ears, it sounds familiar ... GP for ME…

Great idea, pay GP's a special incentive fee to take on more patients and ... everyone gets a GP, problem solved... right?
Except... it didn't work:… (@cindyeharnett)

Read 14 tweets
Aug 1st 2018
How do family doctors organize themselves to deliver #BCPrimaryCare?

Seems like a simple ? right... ?

Our @MaapStudy #MAAPBC team is identifying clinics that provide community-based primary care/family medicine.

And we want to group them into types of clinics. 1/x
We started out using the @cpsbc_ca list of all GP's in the areas of interest (all @VCHhealthcare regions).

We identified (by phoning & googling) only those GP's who provide community-based primary care (excluded those people who e.g.just work in hospitals, or are retired) 2/x
We also used yellow pages, medimaps, google to find listings for "family doctor" or "medical clinic" etc.

Now we have a list of all the clinics that provide community-based primary care in the @VCHhealthcare regions (which we are happy to share!)


Read 14 tweets

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