This new announcement by the @liberal_party recognizes the value of primary care.…
And research shows us that access to primary care saves lives!……
Great idea, pay GP's a special incentive fee to take on more patients and ... everyone gets a GP, problem solved... right?
2) the rules about who you could bill the incentive for were vague, and what did billing the incentive mean and
3) most importantly, no change to the underlying structure of care delivery was made
1) Still vast majority of care expected to be delivered via GP-run businesses and
2) At least 10 years of evidence that most GP's (especially the new ones) don't want to run businesses.…
Good news... all the things we need for primary care to really take off & ⬆️health+⬇️costs (via
1) A team environment, incl non-MD team members
2) Ability to take vacation and parental leave
3) A reliable income, paid

+ a mountain of evidence that incentive fees will NOT fix that problem.
🤞that we will get the structural change we need
e.g. funding for non-profit CHC's (evidence this works!)
1) Infrastructure funding... what if health clinic buildings could be funded by federal $?
2) Transparent enforcement of the Canada Health Act, require access to all the services that we need (e.g. rural maternity services)
Let's use it!
For example, by @picardonhealth…
We do not lack good ideas.
Teams versus solo doctors, could be an answer to reducing fragmented, episodic care.