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Jun 26th 2022
#Anandamath was written at a time when Bengal was hit by three famines one after another, Anandamath was the story of a group of monks who fought the British during the Fakir-Sanyasi Rebellion of the early 1770s.
Banned by the colonial authorities, it was in this masterpiece
that Vande Mataram was first published as a poem.

Sadly, two years after he published this novel, an ageing Bankim breathed his last on April 8, 1894, unaware that his poem would go on to be immortalised in the annals of Indian history.
In the 1896 session of the Congress,
Rabindranath Tagore gave a sublime tune (that he had composed himself) to Vande Mataram and sang it publicly for the first time.

In 1905, it became Freedom Fighter’s rallying cry during the partition of Bengal and soon graduated to becoming fiercely emblematic of the Indian
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Jun 27th 2021
After First war Of Indian Independence, the British had relatively calm reign for next 40 years.
But One Word Changed The Course Of History and It Was VANDE MATARAM.
Tributes to the legend #BankimChandraChatterjee, on his jayanti.
A great Scholar, Who gave us the song and slogan
#VandeMataram ".
Who with his novel #AnandaMath described the Sanyasi's Fight against British. (British had buried this history & Role of Saffron questioned). The Inspiration for #AnushilanSamithi.
That Every Freedom Fighter Who Sacrificed Their Lives For This Country Had
#Vandemataram On Their Lips Till Their Last Breath. The Misplaced Secularism of Congress & Left Have Denied Him His Place, Nevertheless #BankimChandra Will Always Be Soul Stirrer For Crores of Patriots
Please read the English
Translation of Anandmath by Shri Aurobindo & Barindra
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