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Jun 21st 2021
It's #PollinatorWeek so let's bust some myths which often come up when I give presentations or talk to folks. Note: these will be Canada-centric. #savewildbees #PollinatorWeek2021
#1 Bees die when they sting: Honeybees are the only sp. that I know of w/ barbed stingers that get stuck when they sting. They have colonies w/ 10-60k workers & if some die while defending it's less of a big deal than for native spp.…
#2 Bees are striped yellow & black: bees are incredibly diverse. There are 20,000+ spp globally and they come in all sorts of colours & sizes. In Canada, the sweat bees are the largest group and they are mostly grey, green & silver!

Read 25 tweets
Jun 23rd 2020
I'm hesitant to jump on #PollinatorWeek and provide my expertise & best bee pics for free. This week is supposed to bring greater awareness to the importance of pollinators 🐝🦋🪲🪰🦎🦇 but looking at the latest tweets, it's mostly being used for advertising. I have some thoughts
The #PollinatorWeek initiative was started 13 years ago by an NGO to promote pollinator conservation -- great!

However, this NGO accepts sponsorship $ from big ag & pesticide companies like @Syngenta @ValentBioSci & @Bayer4Crops -- not so great!
The success of this week seems like a #beewashing win for these companies. Their names and logos are on the posters, websites, etc. and their posts about #SaveTheBees get mixed in with legitimate conservation initiatives... I wonder, is this difference obvious to a non-expert?
Read 6 tweets

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