Sheila Colla, Ph.D Profile picture
Associate Prof @YorkUEUC Research Chair Interdisciplinary Conservation Sci @LiberEroFellows alum #AcademicMama #MarginSci #GND #BEY4All #CancerSurvivor She/Her
May 13, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
Bradford admits he has had beers in parks despite voting against it. OK. He's worried about bad actors breaking bylaws (not "responsible adults"), despite him breaking the bylaw and his staffers being ok with dog owners letting their dogs go offleash in playgrounds (also bylaws breaking). Sounds like white man privilege to me.
May 12, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Tuning into the #BEY interfaith debate. Unfortunately they decided to platform a white supremacist from the New Blue Party who just went on a rant about "critical theory". When asked about solving homelessness, Angela Kennedy says the PC party has made a list of homeless people and what they need?
May 12, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The #BEY Green candidate is giving away seeds native to Mexico and retweeting The Post Millenial content. 🤦🏾‍♀️This election is just a constant stream of disappointment. #onpoli Amplifying conservatives to own the liberals is a good reason for me to cancel my Green membership now.
Sep 14, 2021 43 tweets 5 min read
I tuned in to the interfaith Beaches-East York debate. It's one of the few which decided to give the PPC candidate a platform. I won't tweet the whole thing but maybe some things that jump out. One thing the PPC candidate started with was that he is new to politics and he apologizes in advances for not being politically correct. *people nodding their heads* It's frightening that people think this is reasonable.
Sep 12, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
I received this disappointing email from @FairVoteCanada dedicating paragraphs to my #LPC MP for his "action" on electoral reform. The thing is, he was elected on this promise, & it was a lie. He continues to run for & support this party who will not implement ER. Image They gave 2 lines to the candidates who are running for parties that will implement ER. So which is it @FairVoteCanada? Do you want us to support complicity or vote for change? #Elxn44 #cdnpoli
Jun 21, 2021 25 tweets 12 min read
It's #PollinatorWeek so let's bust some myths which often come up when I give presentations or talk to folks. Note: these will be Canada-centric. #savewildbees #PollinatorWeek2021 #1 Bees die when they sting: Honeybees are the only sp. that I know of w/ barbed stingers that get stuck when they sting. They have colonies w/ 10-60k workers & if some die while defending it's less of a big deal than for native spp.…
May 19, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Tomorrow is #WorldBeeDay and I can already see the status quo (i.e. pro-capitalist, pro-colonial, overly simplified and just plain wrong) narratives are going to dominate. To be clear, I'm ok with the day being used to discuss managed bees, their use in intensive ag., the struggles the industry faces etc. But to conflate this as a wildlife conservation issue is just wrong.
Oct 14, 2020 12 tweets 6 min read
📢📢 New paper alert, lead by @YorkUEUC PhD student @TripNyssa in collab w/ @VJMacPhail & @FoE_Canada. Some key results in below.… We commissioned a polling company to do a phone survey across Canada to learn more about what Canadians know abiut bees and pollination.
Aug 18, 2020 20 tweets 8 min read
I have a 3 & 6 year old registered in a @TCDSB school, the 1st ON board to mandate masks for kids Jk to Gr 3. The pushback on this by parents is mond-boggling so a thread on why I am very supportive of this decision. #SafeSeptemberON #TCDSB Unfortunately @Sflecce has not given the boards resources to allow for small cohorts with 2m distancing in well ventilated areas. If we had that, masks would not be needed. But instead what we face is 32 people enclosed in a small room 5 days a week.
Apr 15, 2020 13 tweets 8 min read
I keep hearing reference to planting Victory gardens. I'm not a historian (check out @Ian_Mosby's amazing work) but it seems to me like something different is needed during this pandemic. Resilience gardens? Healing gardens? (Thread)… Ok, let's go with #ResilienceGardens. #COVID19 is highlighting so many broken systems. Here are some ways we can help and build resilience through planting.
May 1, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
The main cause of wild bee declines is likely the introduced disease from managed bees. How does adding more managed bees to a system solve this problem? Conserving our native bee biodiversity is a food security & climate justice issue. Homogenizing bee communities by adding 1000s of non-native insects, which also take food to keep them awake over the winter, reduces our resiliency with increased global change.
Jan 12, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
Dear followers, I know some of you are here to talk about bees & flowers. Or maybe about #academiclife. And all you're getting from me these days is politics. Here's a thread about why that is. Some people think science shouldn't be political. But being able to separate politics from science is a privilege not everyone has. As someone who experiences microaggressions on almost a daily basis, I can't pretend this isn't a part of my every day.