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May 4th 2021
UPDATE/ We have found a place for the night. Both my aunt and uncle are now sick. But a hospital called Apex Hospital in #Behala #Kolkata had beds and oxygen. At least for now. So both of them are being taken there. Waiting for RCT- PCR done 2 days back.
We don’t know how long they can be kept there. But for the night, it’s better than at home. Now my uncle is also falling sick. Both have fatigue, pulse ox hovering between 84-86. @midhatkidwai @madhurimapaul84 Will DM details. In case they need ICU. Dunno yet.
But please note, especially #KolkataKnightRiders folks, we were told that the doc will check on Wednesday at 11:00 am IST. So unsure if they have doctors 24/7.
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Jan 7th 2021
Remembering the tremendous mark left by the Brotherhood & Sisterhood of the #Epiphany in their century+ of service to #Bengal, esp. #Behala in #Calcutta, #Kolkata, & #Barisha. Privileged 2 spend a year with them. #SrFlorence became a media star, but it was her lepers she loved.1/ paradisal compound on other side of Diamond Harbour Rd, with its ‘tank’ used by all 4 washing & swimming, mercurial Fr Theodore Mathieson oversaw top classical music training, giving orphans jobs in Army band & Bollywood, & solo cellist Anup Biswas 2/
...Anup preserves the tradition Fr Mathieson created via the musical trust. The #OxfordMission maintains the Behala legacy via an Administrator. The cross is a small copy of the chapel cross, showing the resurrected Christ the community lived & showed 4th joyfully 2 so many.p 3/
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