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Sep 13th 2020
This is absolutely the most unkindest cut of all, inflicted on Cong by Sonia.

When she knew that she was going to US for 10 days now, along with Raga for her medical check up, why should she go out of her way to remove all the
Senior Old Guard Cong Leaders from their posts, to make the party totally impotent and rudderless. Can a single lady close the curtains on the years of efforts of Cong.
Cong may never be able to rise from this fall. Is Sonia quite keen to drive in the last nail, to hide all the issues,so that no one has any access to any of its past misdeeds that can trigger an internal black mail.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 10th 2020
If you know Anyone providing food relief in Patna city, Bihar. kindly Dm. 2000+ families need the aid, alongwith sanitary napkins. #BiharHealthDept #BiharElections2020 #biharfloods #floodrelief #ReliefNow #reliefgoods #philanthropy #socialrelief #communityservice @KubbraSait
Please dm/SpreadTheWord to help with 2000+ families in Patna City, Bihar And 40,000+ families in NCR, 4.5 Lakh people reached so far #HumanRights
Milaap campaigns embedded in link↓ & urgent🇨🇭aid-10$ can feed one family for a week…
Read 6 tweets
Sep 8th 2020
The people of Bihar have seen through the fake attempts of making Sushant Singh Rajput's death as the election plank for the state.
The way the BJP / RSS / JD(U) leaders are being trolled, attacked and surrounded by the youth is an indicator that Bihar is a lost case for them. But then I may be totally wrong as I am reading signs from available indicators on social media.
The mainstream media still enthralls the population and a sleazy story of one woman robbing a Bihari boy of his wealth and the ability of Nitish Kumar and Narendra Modi to get justice for this poor Bihari boy may still hold sway.
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