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Feb 5th 2020
Now that I'm back home, I just want to share a few thoughts about my experience spending 2 weeks in Iowa visiting #YangGang in town after town. Here's my number one takeaway from Iowa: the most important part of @AndrewYang's campaign are the social bonds growing among all of us.
At one point I was struck hard by how truly American the #YangGang feels. We are a massively diverse group who see each other as family. Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and more, holding all kinds of beliefs individually, but all seeing each other as holding shared purpose.
That's what America used to be and is no more. We as a nation are so divided right now that we won't even talk to people from "the other side". But that's not true in the #YangGang. We've healed that divide. Everyone is welcome and our diversity is our strength. We are a big fam.
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