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Aug 7th 2022
Everybody who says "No LGB without T" is actually saying "No LGB without heterosexuals".

#homophobia #CISoff
People who say "No LGB without T" and use pronouns support #homophobia & #ErasureOfLesbians

We see you. You can hind behind "Be Kind" as much as you want. You are not kind. You hurt LGB people. Why do you hate homosexuals so much?

Read 5 tweets
May 18th 2022
I'm 45 yo lesbian. I left my country because of homophobia (it's not just mocking, harrasment, lesbians were/are raped in the name of "re-education"). I was told by men that I haven't met the right man yet. Now men who identify as lesbians tell me I haven't tried their girldick. Image
2)That gay man doesn't feel threatened by straight women who identify as gays & because he doesn't feel threatened he has no problem to let men in the lesbian spaces, organizations, events, groups, apps etc. He supports our erasure. The only letter in LGB he cares about is G. Image
Read 36 tweets

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