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Jul 10th 2020
The most common theme in feedback from #CampCOOL faculty learners is that we modeled for them what it means to be part of a supportive virtual community. Hard to grasp that until you've been a part of one. Just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
So I would say this 100 times over to anyone doing #facdev and #onlinelearning work right now: show, don't tell.
One of my greatest frustrations with #facdev is when people talk at faculty learners, all the while telling them to do the opposite with students. It's MADNESS.
Read 3 tweets
Jun 8th 2020
#HigherEd friends: seeking resources for our community...who is doing #facdev workshops on helping #highered faculty to facilitate classroom conversations (online/hyb/f2f) on social justice, DEI, anti-racism? Getting requests and I want to amplify.
@Bali_Maha? @vijisathy?
One of my amazing #CampCOOL faculty just shared this:…

Wondering if we need a Google doc for resources and speakers...
Read 3 tweets

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