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Aug 26th 2021
So here's a little tip for you. Never say @Soundsaboutleft's name five times or he'll come in here and annoy the crap out of you.

He'll start singing "The Candyman can" and will throw sweets at you...but the sucky kind.

#Candyman #candymanmovie #candymanreview
Candyman stars the INSANELY talented @TonyTodd54. I mean that dude is legit horror royalty.

Like that dude should be in every horror movie ever.
Now a lot of you will be thinking "Hey. Why are you posting a review about this? Are you just jumping on the bandwagon in hopes of getting some easy followers?"

Yes. Yes I am.
Read 171 tweets
Jan 1st 2019
So, ini ongoing thread untuk film2 horror dan semua subgenrenya (film lama/baru) yang ditonton sepanjang taun 2019. Diupdate tiap kali gue kelar nonton

Untuk yg kelewat utas taun lalu, bisa cek di link ini

Oke, let's get it on folks!
Assassination Nation (2018)

Punya komentar pedas pada brmacam penyakit sosial dan potensi destruktifnya saat bersinggungan dgn internet, medsos, hacking, hoax & persekusi, ini mestinya bisa menjadi film violent-satir yg fun & lebih meledak kalo aja pnyajiannya ngga over-stylish Image
However, gue suka sekuens 'invasi rumah' yang memakai teknik long one-take disini. Sangat impresif!

Read 157 tweets

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