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Aug 6th 2020
1/7 Can Each One Reach One to #SaveChildCare?
We have asked and you have answered time and time again this year. We now have a special and urgent request.....can you commit to reaching out to just ONE MORE PERSON not yet engaged and ask them to help us #SaveChildCare?
2/7 We have NOT SECURED the funding child care programs need to KEEP THEIR DOORS OPEN. Both the US House and US Senate have laid out proposals to include stabilization funding and there is clear agreement among Republicans and Democrats that the success of America's economic...
3/7 recovery will be contingent on whether child care providers receive the emergency financial relief they need to stay in business. BUT NONE OF THAT MATTERS if Congressional leaders & the White House don't prioritize child care in the final negotiations! SO what are we asking?
Read 7 tweets
Jul 30th 2020
This is great news for Child Care Providers across the Country, who are essential to our collective recovery from the #COVID19 crisis! Thanks to the House Members who voted in favor and many thanks to our Senator @PattyMurray, who needs our support to get this done! 💪/1
If passed, the #ChildCareIsEssential Act, "would provide grant money to child care providers in an effort to help the facilities reopen safely amid the coronavirus pandemic and stabilize the sector’s operations on Wednesday." /2
Additionally, the "Child Care for Economic Recovery Act, includes a number of tax provisions that are aimed at making child care more affordable for families and providing assistance to child-care providers." /3
Read 4 tweets
May 27th 2020
THREAD: We talk about how COVID-19 is going to permanently deplete huge swaths of the child care supply without major relief, but I think sometimes it's too theoretical. A friend alerted me tonight to an instance here in Richmond that shows the cold, hard, human reality:
This is a church-based center, around since the 1980s(!). They serve 175 kids, infants to 5th gr.

They temporarily closed in March: "this decision was made primarily due to reduced enrollment, financial deficits, & concerns with the COVID-19 pandemic."…
The statement continues: "After much prayer and in-depth discussion, we have decided not to re-open... as we looked at all aspects of trying to continue to run a daycare it became evident that we needed to make the hard and sad decision to close it permanently."
Read 6 tweets

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