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Aug 15th 2019
With the fall semester approaching for many of our users, we want to highlight a few of the ways that @humcommons can help make planning and managing courses easier. So, without further ado:

What tools does HC offer educators? A THREAD (1/?)

#edu #edchat #CollegeTeaching Image
Since we posted about this yesterday, it makes sense to start w/the CORE Repository’s syllabus collection. There are 200+ syllabi for you to peruse & download. Make sure to check the @creativecommons license attached to know how/if you can use it.… (2/?)
@creativecommons Even if you don’t find a syllabus that fits your particular course, you can always draw inspiration from the other syllabi… who knows? You may find assessment ideas or student guidelines that work for your course! (3/?)
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