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Jan 3rd 2021
3 January 2020 #MAGAanalysis #Overturn

We MUST Bend Congress to OUR Will

We'll watch Madison's amazing video very carefully together below. Alone with a few general comments, we have three other sources to consider today as well. But watch Madison first, in full.
2) Getting ready for today's thread, I watched Madison again, and found myself in need of more clarity about how the Presidential Election is certified. Google was even more unkind, and it was a struggle. But finally I found the right attack on the search.
3) With this search, I found 3 articles, all with the same focus, which is on VP Pence's role and recent statement on topic. The articles are almost identical, so you only need read one of them. We're not going to analyze them in detail, but they are worth perusing.
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