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May 31st 2023
🚨 New Publication 🚨
The River Corridor Critical Zone.

High level: River corridors ARE critical zones, & studying them as such is to the benefit of both communities

A 🧵of some high-points…

#river #CriticalZone #hydrology
How has the river corridor already been studied as an integrated system? Why is the CZ approach appropriate for river corridors? What elements of the CZ approach are lacking in river science? What opportunities would the CZ approach bring to of river corridors?
The CZ is a continuum from uplands to convergent locations. While uplands are highly represented in CZ science, they are not the only landscape element of the CZ.

We propose organizing our work along a continuum, and considering interactions along the gradient. Image
Read 25 tweets
Feb 8th 2022
New research dropped from @MollyRCain on #water & #nitrogen dynamics in agricultural systems.

Multiple, interacting thresholds control water, N losses in tile drained landscapes

@pkumar3691 @IMLCZO #CriticalZone #CZO @IUONeillSchool @IUImpact…
@MollyRCain @pkumar3691 @IMLCZO @IUONeillSchool @IUImpact FAVORITE FIGURE IN THE PAPER:
Interacting 'top down' (antecedent soil moisture) and 'bottom up' (GW level) control the sources, ages, and N loads in water mobilized from tile-drained landscapes.
@MollyRCain @pkumar3691 @IMLCZO @IUONeillSchool @IUImpact What controls C-Q dynamics in tile drains? Event size and antecedent conditions (in this case, if the groundwater table was high enough to have the tile flowing with pre-event water when the storm hit)
Read 5 tweets

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