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1/ @retheauditors @premnsikka @alexralph The curious case of the Grosvenor Motley Crew’s Baldock’s & Bothers Beal. **Part of what would have followed has been removed due to unfinished U.K. criminal court cases.** Back in the 2000’s (before New Labour’s “A-Day” wild west) .. Image
2/ John Russell-Murphy had a different name + a “different game”(next curious case). Benjamin Beal tells us in 2008 he joined “Intelligent Investment”, a murky unregulated SIPPshitting op hawking the usual off plan property & land “schemes”. Looking at Intelligent Investment’s ImageImageImage
3/ website back in 2010 we see the notorious Ames Clan’s Harlequin Property “scheme” along with an Australian wheat Farm Land “scheme”(The notorious Renwick Haddow ran an infamous Australian wheat farm land scam “Agri Firma” [Capital Alternatives] with.. ImageImageImage
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