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Sep 26th 2022
It’s almost spooky season! Have some Vampire og!chch

// cw allusions to violence, brief mention of injury, blood drinking

#백망되 #백작가의망나니가되었다 #lcf


It was just his luck that he managed to get himself into this predicament, Cale thought bitterly.
While out on patrol, his troop was ambushed in a surprise attack from enemy forces, and in the midst of it, he had somehow gotten separated from them. Because of course he did.

Though, knowing them, they were probably relieved to have been forcefully rid of his presence.
They had never tried getting along with him, and was never in a hurry to get along with them either.

Despite that, Cale still wished he was with someone else at least.
Read 53 tweets
Aug 11th 2022
@ArmitageJim @premnsikka - 1/ A corrupt solicitor: ‘Timothy Schools’, who named his firm ‘ATM’ because it was "a cash machine" for litigation awards has been convicted of a notorious #fraud - the £120m #Axiom Legal Financing Fund “Axiom”. Axiom was launched in 2009 as an …
2/ offshore fund (+ its associated ‘fund manager’ - Tangerine Investment Management’ - “#Tangerine”), purportedly providing litigation finance to small UK solicitors firms for low value high volume claims. It was peddled to the UK public & expats widely by a large web of …
3/ @theFCA made men/women & their associated unauthorised cold calling cowboys in the FCA’s SIPPshittery, @TPRgovuk’s pension liberation scams + allegedly ‘wrapped’ (in purportedly ‘insurance bonds’/SIPPs) by the FCA’s ‘Big Fish’ & peddled particularly to older …
Read 18 tweets
Aug 7th 2022
@ArmitageJim @premnsikka 1/ David Ames, patriarch of the Ames clan was convicted of #fraud on Wednesday i.r.o. the infamous £226m ‘#HarlequinProperty’ Caribbean property scam, peddled through @TheFCA’s SIPPshittery & @TPRgovuk’s pension liberation scams (…).
2/ A hotspot of Harlequin Property scam peddling was the #LCF crews manor, with #LCF’s Spencer Golding’s alleged boiler room including a major Harlequin op ( AND ) + was allegedly linked to #LCF crew-mate & ICAEW man …
3/ Michael Peacock ( AND ). A long term associate of Spencer Golding was #LCF/#MJSCapital’s (+ Masonic mover & shaker) John Russell-Murphy “JRM”. When Spencer Golding’s alleged boiler room was reportedly credit-card blacklisted …
Read 31 tweets
May 28th 2022
#lcf #alcale au

— Cale rates the kisses he received in #KissYourCaleDay. Image
notes: Image
1/7 ImageImage
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May 3rd 2022
#Søværnet 🇩🇰⚓️

➡️ Le Forsvarskommandoen (Commandement de la Défense) annonce l'embarquement sur la frégate « Niels Juel » (2011) de RIM-66 Standard Medium Range (SM-2MR) Block IIIA (90 mn) dans l'optique de mener les essais et tirs de validation (…). ImageImageImage
➡️ La frégate « Niels Juel » (2011) - classe Iver Huitfeldt (3) - est la première à bénéficier des modifications matérielles (système de combat (#CMS) Terma C-Flex ), etc) pour mettre en œuvre le SM-2 MR Block IIIA et procédera à de nouveaux essais (essais d'intégration avec
maquette inerte d'ores et déjà menés) devant conduire à la validation de la capacité opérationnelle de défense aérienne de zone d'un groupe naval constitué vis-à-vis des aéronefs et des missiles anti-navires aérobies (=/= Integrated Air and Missile Defence (#IAMD) : balistique).
Read 11 tweets
Feb 22nd 2022
AlCale Cherry Magic AU where Cale gains mindreading powers overnight and finds out that Alver, his very handsome and capable manager, is actually in love with him
Alver, thinking: God, his bedhead is so cute. His yawn is so cute. I just want to tuck him into bed and cuddle with him.

Cale, thinking: Oh, I didn't know he had a crush on a guy at work.

Alver: Why is Cale so adorable?

Cale: ?!?! ME?!?!?!?!
Random thought: Cale is a low performing employee. He doesn't bother working hard since there's no commission anyways. If he worked hard his boss would just dump more work on him. REAL SLACKER HOURS.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 10th 2021
@ArmitageJim @premnsikka @retheauditors 1/ The curious case of the #Earthport crew. While the UK FSA(FCA) turned a blind eye to its ‘small caps cesspit’ & #emoney scene, #Wirecard & it’s ‘brothers with different mothers’ used reverse mergers, ‘sexed up’ M&A & ‘related party’ …
2/ japery to take their ‘high risk payment processing’ (of online gambling +/or pornography +/or blacklisted FX/CFD/Crypto/binary option +/or scam ops) proceeds ‘off the table’ + just keep on doin’ it .. doin’ it .. & doin’ it again ().
3/ EarthPort’ was founded in 1997 as one of the first e-wallets with gambling transaction processing up front + centre from the start (in the form of lotteries). Co-founded by South African (via Australia) David Vanrenen as Chairman/CEO + with UK national (come Singapore …
Read 42 tweets
May 20th 2021
@ArmitageJim @premnsikka 1/ The curious case of “doin’ it + doin’ it + doin’ it … ”. ‘Lithuanian #fintech under scrutiny over potential role in #Wirecard fraud. UAB #FinolitaUnio processed tens of millions of euros that went to now fugitive executive.’ Finolita Unio was, …
2/ it’s reported allegedly no stranger to the notorious blacklisted binary option/crypto/FX/CFD ops scene (eg #WoodstockOU scam network…) + the ‘offshore #gambling’ scene - collectively with pornography known as “High Risk Payments”.
3/ Unsurprisingly it’s parent company #SenjoGroup & a purported honcho Yoshio Tomiie were no strangers to @theFCA’s notorious #emoney scene (a cesspit of #MoneyLaundering & fraud facilitation). It’s reported #SenjoGroup controlled FCA authorised #emoney op …
Read 26 tweets
Apr 23rd 2021
1/ @retheauditors @premnsikka @ArmitageJim The curious case of “who’s really the daddy ?”. @FinTelegram asked “is the #FinMax binary option/FX/CFD #scam network really operated by a former high-ranking Ukrainian police officer + his wife?” ( AND ...
2/…). It’s Belfast footprints entwined with other notorious blacklisted crypto/binary option/FX/CFD ops + far more. It’s interesting to note that the #FinMax group’s “#RUSVPN” VPN op targets #KODI (P2P media centre app, primarily for illegal viewing ...
3/ of movies) influencer deals. KODI movies often have injected “Englishski” ads for notorious blacklisted online crypto/binary option/FX/CFD ops. The appearance of Belfast addressed UK SPV “Morris Processing Ltd” is fascinating, it being the initial purported owner & ...
Read 47 tweets
Apr 6th 2021
@ArmitageJim @premnsikka 1/ The Telegraph’s @Will_Kirkman writes of yet another of @theFCA’s made men in the infamous #PremierFX scandal(). PremierFX operated in the FCA’s notorious #Emoney/#API cesspit of #MoneyLaundering & fraud facilitation, but ...
2/ scratch the surface + as if #Wirecard’s fingerprints were not enough it’s the same familiar tale we saw in the #LCF scandal (+ many more) of the FCA not just asleep at the wheel, but actively turning a blind eye to multiple red flags. In the case of #PremierFX, ...
3/ the FCA astonishingly ignored #PremierFX itself reporting to the FCA that it had been fined by the Bank of Portugal for operating illegally. In yet another parallel to the damning Dame Gloster #LCF report lashing the FCA, we also saw in the PremierFX scandal the ...
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Feb 26th 2021
@ArmitageJim @premnsikka 1/ @TheFCA yet again in a short space of days released y/day yet another of its “saved up” press releases allowing it to waft its “extra special tickling stick”, censuring the notorious #PremierFX Ltd…. In contrast to the ... Image
2/ hyperbole of the FCA, @SkyNews reported on the Premier Fx scandal in 2019 - a damning indictment of the FCA, asleep at the wheel while yet another of its nefarious made men/women from its #emoney/#API cesspit (notorious for fraud + #MoneyLaundering) operated unfettered + ... Image
3/ without fear. Premier FX had opened the “regulatory catflap” + appointed 2 A.R.’s - an online payment gateway “Alacrity Payments Ltd” & “Securus Escrow Ltd”(which did who knows what - controlled by an insurance consultant). The FCA hasn’t the first clue who it’s A.R’s are .. ImageImage
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Feb 7th 2021
@ArmitageJim @premnsikka 1/ Some quite astonishing replies from Graeme Biggar (Head, UK National Economic Crime Centre) to extremely focused + knowledgeable questioning from Dame Eagle on the endemic levels of #Fraud & #MoneyLaundering in the UK + links to ...
2/ organised crime. This Treasury select committee session caught the headlines for the infamous “only 1%-3% positive outcomes from ActionFraud reports” but before being cut off by Dame Eagle was Mr Biggar really going to deny that there are often links between organised crime .. Image
3/ + pensions/investment scams?. Mr Biggar would go on to compund this by poopoo’ing reported comments from front line NCA officers who reportedly stated they “believe that targeting corrupt businessmen with expensive QCs + claims of private wealth is a waste of time”. ImageImage
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Feb 2nd 2021
@ArmitageJim @premnsikka 1/ As TheTimes/Guardian peddle the “play the man” spin-byte(in contrast to the Standard for eg), perhaps we should think about what Dame Gloster “DG” said about the FCA’s (FSA) impenetrable apparatchik fatcattery & it’s hundreds of thousands of victims.
2/ DG told MPs that the @theFCA was broken with a culture of (paraphrasing) turning a blind eye to fraud + other behaviour endemic in UK Financial Services hurting so badly the public, she went on to tell MP’s that networks operated both inside + outside of the FCA’s pitifully ..
3/ small regulatory perimeter + that the FCA refused to look outside their pitifully small regulatory perimeter. DG didn’t talk about the porous nature(A.R.’s) of the FCA’s regulatory perimeter eg its “regulatory + hedge fund hotels” which means fraudsters + ex-cons are ...
Read 15 tweets
Jan 31st 2021
@ArmitageJim @premnsikka 1/ The Times’s @AlihussainST opens the lid again on the secretive networks that operate both inside + outside of @TheFCA’s pitifully small “porous” (A.R.’s) regulatory perimeter unfettered + without fear in ‘What happened to the £160m we put in ... ImageImageImageImage
2/ “secure” investments?. Bonds promising high returns were used to fund bizarre schemes around the world’. What isn’t in the piece (but still queued up for the “curious case” treatment) is that the #LCF crew played host to Bradley Lincoln’s activities, #LCF bondholder ...
3/ victims will also recognise Mr Zhang alongside the doyen of Sussex & Kent Tory MP’s, former MP’s + former council leaders #LCF crew-mate Simon Hume-Kendall, talking turkey over the LCF crews notorious Lakeview multi recycled/rebranded “scheme”. The #LCF scandal ... Image
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Sep 15th 2020
@retheauditors @premnsikka 1/ The Notorious Stephen Ward…, yet another “government advisor” that devastated the pensions/life savings of hundreds of victims, plugged in to the secretive networks that operate unfettered both inside & outside of the FCA’s..
2/ pitifully small regulatory perimeter it’s no surprise that one of his japes “London Quantum Occupational Pension Scheme” included so many “familiar faces” from the “curious cases”. The rest are in the queue with the exception of “Mallets Loan Note” - a despicable tale of a .. Image
3/ a pair of UK solicitors…, enough for them to be banned as directors but seemingly just like #LCF’s Sedgwick not enough for prompt action from the @sra_solicitors. If we look at the biggest scheme “investment” - Quantum PYX Managed FX Fund, it’s no .. Image
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Sep 3rd 2020
@retheauditors @premnsikka 1/ The billionaires’ pawn - Julian Rifat was out of money, out of work and facing years in prison. Then his lawyer called with news of a miraculous job offer from the petty, thin skinned, dodgy world of hedge fund honcho’s.…
2/ meanwhile @TheFCA asleep at the wheel + years after Mr Rifat was sent down finally got around last week to banning Mr Rifat…. Mr Rifat’s associate Mr Shelley… was a former broker at Novum Securities. #LCF/#AssetLife/ ... Image
3/3 #AngloWealth #Minibond victims know another alumni of Novum Securities .. one Martin John Binks no less .. the FSA’s small caps cesspit’s unfettered tentacles have spread far and wide. Image
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Aug 29th 2020
@retheauditors @premnsikka @alexralph 1/ The High Court case (CR-2019-001949) at the centre of the curious case of “Game On” in the mysterious world of corporate insolvency that saw tens of £millions allegedly end up transferred to the LCF crew … ImageImage
2/ (a large part allegedly directly from LCF’s payment institution account) is over. Judge Mullen found FOR the LOG administrators(Applicants)/AGAINST the #LCF crew(Respondents)+ concluded he was satisfied that the novation agreements were void (entered into without authority).
3/ Alternatively, the Judge would set them aside (transactions at undervalue). The case gives further insight in to unanswered questions: 1. [s3] LOG administrators allege most of £32.6m (LPC pref shares SPA aka “Mazars Step Plan”/“Technology assets” plan) was transferred to ImageImageImageImage
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Aug 24th 2020
@retheauditors @premnsikka @alexralph 1/ SFO charges 3 men over #Axiom fund collapse, but we have heard of the infamous Axiom Legal fund before, allegedly indirectly linked to #LCF endgame player/former #AssetLife auditor… AND… .. Image
2/ AND… partner Whyke + notorious Israeli Lawyer wingman Yoram Yossifoff + in good time we will hear about the network linking #MJSCapital #AssetLife & #LCF scandals with romping tales of FSU mining japery, Arab “money men”, … ImageImageImage
3/3 brothers with multiple names, “baltic banking” + much much more. Let’s hope Administrator/Liquidator (I.P. Asher Miller) of core #LCF SPV London Group LLP + amazingly coincidentally as well #Asset Life & #MJSCapital is up to the job .. we will see.
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Aug 20th 2020
@retheauditors @premnsikka @alexralph 1/ The curious case of “Game On” in the mysterious world of corporate insolvency. Following on from the appointment of I.P.’s Mr/Ms Fender as administrators to key SPVs LPE & LPT in the #LCF crew’s “implementation” of their “Mazars step” & .. ImageImage
2/ “technology assets” plans, administrators proposals were filed recently… AND…. Setting the scene, LCF crew appointments: 1. LPC/AM administrator/liquidator Edwin Kirker (LPC along with associate & Simon Hume-Kendall’s … ImageImage
3/ ex Moore Stephens I.P. mucker Simon Paterson) . 2. LPT/LPE administrator Andrew Fender (along with associate & legal advisor, the mysterious “JSCS Ltd”) . 3. LOG/LPC Company Secretary/alleged CFO David Elliott (allegedly … ImageImage
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Aug 4th 2020
@retheauditors @premnsikka @ArmitageJim 1/ In the mysterious world of corporate insolvency anything goes but surely “three of a kind” is a record ? I.P./Firm Asher Miller/David Rubin & Partners “on the job” at: 1. one of the #LCF crews core SPV’s (London Group LLP) in the .. ImageImageImage
2/ “Mazars Step Plan” scheme . 2. notorious Minibond op “MJS Capital (aka ColarB Capital) including Andrew Meikle’s old mucker Lord Razzall & #LCF’s John Russell-Murphy/Joanne Baldock AND… 3. Notorious ..
3/ Minibond Op #AssetLife PLC entwined with #LCF , progeny of Andrew Meikle’s(bus. bud of ‘uber notorious Renwick Haddow’ & Lord Razzall from Catalyst/ARC etc days) Anglo Wealth Ltd scam… -of course Sir Zissman was an old Meikle bud.. ImageImage
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Jul 30th 2020
1/ @retheauditor @premnsikka @alexralph The curious case of “Taxing Times” in the mysterious world of corporate insolvency - we left off at AND . #LCF Simon Hume-Kendall has recently appointed 2 new recruits from the mysterious ..
2/ world of corporate insolvency - I.P.’s Mr Andrew Fender/Ms Sandra Fender, from Sanderlings LLP/Sanderlings Accountancy Services Ltd in Solihull(West Midlands) as administrators to London Power & Technology Ltd “LPT”/LPE Enterprises Ltd “LPE”, allegedly two of the SPV’s .. Image
3/ playing musical chairs in the #LCF crew’s “Mazars step plan” execution . Sanderlings LLP’s last filed accounts show Net Liabilities of £156,946 + Sanderlings Accountancy Services Ltd show Net Assets of £264 so we’re clearly not talking KPMG/PWC here .. Image
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Jul 27th 2020
1/ @jameshurley mentions “FBME bank’s” notoriety but even B*llocksFeed tells us more…) + of its alleged links to an online marijuana marketplace in which WSJ alleges Wirecard/Mr Weigand show up…. Makes one wonder about the USA ... Image
2/ backgrounds of “Merchants” in the High Court case at the moment against Wirecard’s competitor WorldPay(UK) ;-) + re: the notorious FBME bank .. #LCF bondholder victims perhaps won’t be surprised at one of FBME’s administrators. Yep Andy Andronicou, ..
3/3 from the mysterious world of corporate insolvency. The mysterious world of corporate insolvency is a very small world indeed .. Image
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Jul 13th 2020
@retheauditors @premnsikka 1/ In 2017 ITV & BBC exposed a sliver of the secretive networks that operate inside + outside of the FCA’s pitifully small porous(A.R.’s) regulatory perimeter industrially SIPPshitting victims. Years later we will examine very soon the fallout as ..
2/ victim claims mounted & we see some familiar faces as FCA IFA’s invited in the mysterious world of corporate insolvency & the FCA’s claims ops “Wild West” moved in, leaving the @FSCS & victims to pick up the tab as the bad guys trotted off in to the sunset saddlebags full ..
3/3 e.g.… AND… ... and we will be hearing all about it very soon - #LCF
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Jul 11th 2020
@retheauditors @premnsikka @alexralph 1/ The curious case of MORE Moore Stephens ?. We met a David Ronald Elliott in the curious case of the mysterious world of corporate insolvency who along with his fellow Kent Moore Stephens I.P. Simon Paterson ..
2/ became firm favourites of #LCF Simon Hume-Kendal. By curious coincidence a David Ronald Elliott (who may or may not be the former Moore Stephens David Ronald Elliott) surfaced at London Oil & Gas Ltd “LOG” + London Power Corporation Ltd “LPC” in 02/2018 filling the gap as .. ImageImageImageImage
3/ Company Secretary vacated by the #LCF crew-mate, SPV spider-man & solicitor Robert Mannering Sedgwick. But was LOG/LPC’s David Ronald Elliott more than just a company secretary ?, was he also the C.F.O. of LOG & LPC ? and hence point-man for the “Mazars Step Plan” …
Read 5 tweets

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