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Mar 16th 2022
That magical time of year is upon us... And no... We don't mean the holidays.

We're talking about The #CryptoGathering πŸš€

⚑️ Join thousands of investors, thinkers & doers at the most electrifying 3 day event in #crypto ⚑️

πŸŽ† March 23-25 πŸŽ†

Here's @RaoulGMI with the detailsπŸ‘‡
Follow this thread to learn more about the #CryptoGathering & what you can expect.

First off - How much is it? This one is nice and easy.

If you are an Essential, Plus or Pro member you go for FREE.

Everyone else: $99 for tix + 6 month Essential membership included.
What kinds of things will you learn about? Here's a break down of each day.

Day 1 πŸš€
Read 8 tweets

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