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Jun 2nd 2020
Racial injustice has been sustained by narratives of fear & anger, argues #BryanStevenson. "To fight against those narratives we need other narratives." Educate yourself on injustice & the systematic criminalization of blackness through these Peabody winning & nominated programs.
@Ava DuVernay's primer on the criminalization of African Americans, "@13thfilm," traces the story from racial slavery to convict leasing systems, from #JimCrow terror to mass incarceration as a way to exercise social control of black populations.…

The "74 Seconds" podcast series from @MPRnews details how police pulled over #PhilandoCastile for a broken taillight and 74 seconds later he was dead from seven shots into Castile's car.…

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Dec 17th 2019
Remarkable outcome as #CurtisFlowers is freed on bail after being tried six times for murder. Thanks to incredible reporting by @InTheDarkAPM, we learned of the many questions around the evidence, and the apparently race-based jury selection that occurred
@InTheDarkAPM That podcast was some of the best reporting I've read or heard in recent years. Talk about impact journalism. @InTheDarkAPM
@InTheDarkAPM When the issues of the jury's racial composition reached SCOTUS, #BrettKavanaugh wrote a majority opinion stating that the Mississippi DA who prosecuted the case violated Flowers's constitutional rights. That was in June.
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Jun 21st 2019
1/ Justice Kavanaugh wrote the majority opinion reversing Curtis Flowers’ conviction for the 1996 quadruple murder in Winona, Miss. Here are some highlights from Justice Kavanaugh’s opinion. #CurtisFlowers @InTheDarkAPM
2/ Justice Kavanaugh cites D.A. Doug Evans’ long history of striking black people from the jury in Curtis Flowers’ earlier trials. Flowers has always been tried by an all-white or mostly white jury.
3/ Justice Kavanaugh: “The State appeared to proceed as if Batson had never been decided.” (Batson is the most important Supreme Court case on racism in jury selection. It set a framework for deciding whether a prosecutor is engaging in racial discrimination in jury selection.)
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